I like to move it
<Star Wars quote>
Isaac says...
Do your work
It's simple, really

What do we call the distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel that distance? (p.130)

Average speed

Because average speed is calculated by dividing the distance by time, its units always will be a distance unit divided by a time unit. For example: m/s or km/hr


What do we call a "push or a pull" ? (p.136)



What do we call the set of rules developed by Isaac Newton to explain how forces affect the motion of an object? (p.138)

Newton's Laws of Motion


What is it called when an applied force causes an object to move in the direction of the force? (p.145)



What simple machine is made up of an object, like a wheel, that has a groove with a rope or cable running through it? (p.147)


A pulley changes the direction of the input force.


What do we call the speed of an object at any instant of time? (p.131)

Instantaneous speed

When you ride in a car, the instantaneous speed is given by the speedometer


What is the SI unit of force? (p.136)

Force is measured in newtons (N)


Which of Newton's laws of motion states that an object will not change its motion unless an unbalanced force acts on it? (p.138)

Newton's first law of motion


True or false?

Effort always equals work. (p.144)


Work is done only when an object moves in the direction of the applied force.


What simple machine is made of a rod or a plank that pivots on a fixed point called a fulcrum? (p.148)


Levers can increase a force, or increase the distance over which the force is applied. The three types of levers depend on the positions of the input force, the output force, and the fulcrum.


If an object is moving, and the instantaneous speed does not change, what do we call that? (p.132)

Constant speed


True or false?

For an object's motion to change, a force must be applied to the object. (p.136)


The force applied causes the object to accelerate (speed up, slow down, or change directions)


What do we call the force that resists sliding motion between two touching surfaces? (p.139)


It always acts opposite the direction of the motion. 

In general, the rougher the surfaces are, the greater the friction will be.

What is the formula for calculating work? (p.145)

work  =  force  x  distance

or   w = Fd

What simple machine is made of two round objects that are attached and rotate together about the same axis? (p.149)

Wheel and Axle

The mechanical advantage of the wheel and axle can be calculated by dividing the radius of the wheel by the radius of the axle


If you know the average speed traveled, and the amount of time spent traveling, what can you figure out? (p.132)


distance traveled   average speed  x  time

or   d = st


What do we call the combination of all the forces acting on an object? (p.137)

Net force


What do we call the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion? (p.139)


The more mass an object has, the greater its inertia.


What is the SI unit for work? (p.145)

Joules (J)

1J = to 1N  x  mass


What simple machine has a sloped surface, and is sometimes called a ramp? (p.149)

Inclined Plane

It allows you to lift a heavy load by using less force over a greater distance. 


What do we call the speed of an object and its direction of travel? (p.133)


Velocity changes when the speed changes, the direction changes, or both change.

If you push a box with 10N of force towards the right, and a friend pushes with 5N of force also to the right, what is the net force applied to the box?

10N right + 5N right = 15N right

If the forces are in the same direction, add them together to form the net force.


Which law states that if an object is acted upon by a net force, the acceleration of the object will be in the direction of the net force? (p.140)

Newton's second law of motion

According to the second law of motion, acceleration can be calculated by dividing net force by mass.

acceleration  =  net force  รท  mass


Machines are devices that make work easier. What do you call a machine that uses only one movement? (p.146)

Simple machine

A machine that is a combination of simple machines is called a compound machine (example: a can opener combines several simple machines)

What simple machine is a moving inclined plane with one or two sloping sides? (p.150)


A wedge can change the direction of the input force


What is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the amount of time needed for that change to occur? (p.133)


The SI unit for acceleration is m/s2, which is the result of dividing the units m/s by the unit s. 


If you pull a door with 10N of force to the right, and a friend is pulling on the left side of the door with 7N of force, what is the net force?

10N right - 7N left = 3N right

If two forces are in opposite directions, the net force is the difference between the two forces, and is in the direction of the greater force


Which law of motion states that when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object? (p.141)

Newton's third law of motion

The force exerted by the first object is the action force. The force exerted by the second object is the reaction force.


What do we call the number of times that an applied force is increased by a machine? (p.146)

Mechanical advantage


What simple machine is an inclined plane that has been wrapped around a cylinder post? (p.150)

