Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Classwork Procedures

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you first come in every day?

Put your phone in your pouch!

Get out the supplies from the board

Complete the To Do list on the board


Where can you turn in your work?

In the Odd/Even tray in the back of the classroom

No names will be put on the board at the front of the room - if it is not claimed it goes in the trash


How do students respect other students things?

Do not touch someone else's things at all without their permission


What do you do if you need a pencil?

AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS - go up to the board and grab a pencil from one of the clips. Write your name under the clip, return at the end of class.


What do you do if you finish your work early? 

Priority 1: Missing work for my class

Priority 2: Work for another class

Priority 3: Quiet reading time


How do you know what to-do in the morning?

Look at the To Do list on the slide as you come in the classroom.


What is the cleanup procedure at the end of class?

Pack up your backpack

Throw away any trash you see

Make sure the phone pouches are in the center bin

Be in your seats by the end of the timer


What happens if your work is late?

If formatives are more than a week late they get graded automatically as a Mininum F (50%) - You cannot redo formatives


What does independent work time sound like?

Quiet or talking to your table only. The volume should not be louder than Ms. Graber's music.


What do you do if you need a charger or headphones?

Wait until the teacher is not lecturing!

1. Scan your ID at the front of the classroom

2 Mark which item you are checking out

3. Grab from the correct box

4. Return neatly wrapped up (do not need to scan again)


What do you need to do if you want to complete a Summative Retake?

1. Make sure ALL missing formatives are turned in

2. Fill out the "Assessment Retake" form from the Canvas homepage and you will get a confirmation email for the day you schedule

3. On the day of your retake be at the front of the school ASAP to get picked up


How do you show respect in the classroom?

By not talking when others are talking, keeping your hands to yourself, doing the task that is asked of you, and being kind.


What is the bathroom procedure?

1. Check to see if the light is on in the back.

2. Raise your hand to ask the teacher.

3. Scan out at the computer - ONLY GO IF IT IS GREEN

4. Grab the pass and turn on the light

5. When you come back put the pass back on the hook, turn the light off, scan back in


What do you do if you are absent?

1. Check your email for a "History Absence" email from Ms. Graber

2. Complete any notes and work you can at home before the next class.

3. Check your Absent folder when you come back to class and complete any work in there by the next class
