The Bible
No Erasers Allowed: Scribes
It's Not Fair! or is it?
Before and After
Legos and Creating things
Who's birth changed the way the entire world tracks their calendars? (For example, we now track dates like 100 B.C. or 2017 A.D.)
Jesus Christ!
The Dead Sea Scrolls were found by which body of water?
The Dead Sea!
What does Holy mean?
Perfect, Pure, without sin
Genesis Exodus Leviticus
What is more difficult to create...a lego car or a living being?
A living being
How many books are in the Bible?
66 (39 OT and 27 NT)
What happened if a Scribe was almost finished copying the Old Testament, but then made a little mistake at the vey end where two letters touched each other?
The ENTIRE scroll was burned!
Who has sinned?
Romans 3:23 All have sinned
Galatians Ephesians Philippians
If you bought a box of legos at the store, how many times would you need to shake the box before the legos randomly connected to each other in the exact same shape that is on the picture of the lego box?
It would never happen no matter how many times you shake the box. Like the legos, the earth, plants, animals, and humans could not have been formed on accident. God must have created us
Approximately how many different authors were there that wrote the Bible?
About 50-ish
The Dead Sea Scrolls were copies of the Old Testament that were written about 100 years before Jesus was born. (It would have basically been the Bible that Jesus would have used) - True or False?
What do sinners deserve? (a new car?...a Ferrari?)
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death
Job Psalms Proverbs
What did God create on the first day?
Today's Date has the year 2017 A.D. What does "AD" stand for?
Anno Domini (Medieval Latin)
The Scribes had many crazy rules that they had to follow so that they did not make any mistakes when making copies of the Old Testament. Did those rules work? Were those copies amazingly accurate...and the same as what is in our Bible today? (True or False)
True! Even though the Dead Sea Scrolls were 1000 years older than our Bible today, they were almost exactly the same! We can be confident that our Bible today has the same content as the Bible that Jesus would have used when He walked the earth!
How do we know that Christ followers get to go to heaven, even though we are sinners? Can you name a Bible verse?
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life... John 3:16 (the football verse)
Philemon Hebrews James
In school, they will teach you about the Theory of Evolution. What is a theory? Is a theory something that is true?
NO! A theory is somebody's guess at what happened. There is not enough evidence to prove that it is true, therefore it is called a theory. Evolution is a theory because there is not enough evidence to prove that it is true. (We know it is not true. We know that God created everything)
What does Anno Domini mean in English?
"In the year of our Lord"
The Dead Sea Scrolls were copies of the Old Testament written before the birth of Jesus. The Dead Sea Scrolls were how many years older than the oldest Bible we had.
1000 Years older
What does the Bible mean by "For the wages of sin is 'death'?" Don't we all die?
We all die, and then we all live somewhere forever. Christ followers will live in heaven with Jesus. Those that reject Christ, will live separated from Jesus in hell...this is the death that the verse is talking about
Zechariah Malachi Matthew
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his __________
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his HANDIWORK. Even if we did not read the Bible, we should know that God created the world just by looking at it. We knew someone painted (created) the picture just by looking at the picture. This is the same