I will not touch others or the things that belong to them.
What is Hands-Off
I print this on my work in the top right corner to remind me when I did my objectives.
What is Date
I can eat this!
What the teacher does to get the student's attention.
Stop what you are doing, mouths closed, eyes on teacher, ears opened
You can eat this!
I will listen, keep my classroom clean, speak politely and be kind.
What is respect
I carefully put my letters in the right last when printing.
What is printing neatly between the lines
This is a good time to use the bathroom.
Before snack
After a command lesson
Before school or after school
I'm going to throw up
This is a specific job that each student will have throughout the day.
Classroom jobs
1. Classroom Custodian 2. Morning Meeting Manager
3. Pencil Sharpener 4. Paper Monitor
5. Messenger 6. Teacher assistant
7. Technology Monitor 8. Substitute
In this subject I will learn a different language.
This is when I talk at the same time as someone else.
What is Stepping on Other's Words
I answer the objective CORRECTLY using words in the question, spaces between my words, a capital letter at the beginning, a period at the end and at least three words.
What is a complete sentence
I do not do this in the bathroom.
Show my private parts.
Look under the bathroom stale or in the bathroom stale.
Splash water from the sink around the bathroom.
I'm an object that students use to print with. I can only be sharpened at the beginning of the day during morning routine.
In this subject I will learn about numbers, equations and more.
I tell a teacher this to get someone in trouble before trying to solve the problem myself. For example, "Mckenzie's talking with food in her mouth"
What is Tattling
I print this number before I write my sentence. It tell my teacher what question I'm working on.
What is an objective number
This is the four procedures I do in the bathroom.
Go to the bathroom
Flush the toilet
Wash my hands
use the hand dryer
I am an object that is taken home with me every night and brought back to school every day. I will be handed to the teacher during morning routine. I can contain homework, notes to my parents, art that I can take home, etc.
What is a homework folder
Signed papers from parents go in Teacher Mailbox
Finished homework is handed to teacher
In this subject I will keep my body active. I will learn about badminton, basketball, soccer and so much more.
Physical Education
I can eat this!
I need this four things before I get sign off from the teacher.
What is:
objective number
answering the objective correctly in a complete sentence/s.
neat printing
I use this to tell the teacher I'm going to the bathroom.
Bathroom pass and hand signal
One student at a time for the boys bathroom and one for the girls bathroom
I'm on object that you can print on. The only things I like on top of me are a water bottle, binder, pencil and eraser.
I do not like having toys put on or in me, a pile of drawings or books.
At the end of the day I'm cleaned with a wipe.
What is a desk
During this subject I will create a story, explore how to read by learning about word sounds, playing letter games, and learn how to print properly.
Language Arts (Informal and printing)