Where is Tracey's hometown in Australia?
How do you spell 朝ご飯 in English?
Say all the days of the week.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Can you say 871 in English?
Eight hundred and seventy one.
What is デパート in English?
department store
Where is the Opera House
It's in Sydney.
How do you spell 14?
Say all the months of the year.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Can you say '出身地はどこですか?'
Where are you from?
What baseball team does Ms. Baker like?
She likes the Boston Red Sox.
What is Australia's capital city?
It's Canberra.
How do you spell 美味しい?
Say 5 形容詞.
difficult, interesting, exciting, delicious, easy,
good, bad, great, famous, cute, beautiful
How do you say 'どうしましたか' in English?
What's wrong?
What is Paulo's daughter's name?
Her name is Maria.
What Australian food can you find at the supermarket?
Aussie beef.
How do you spell 言語?
Say past tense (過去形) of 5 verbs (動詞).
come / came
go / went
have / had
eat / ate
say / said
How do you say 'あなたはどうですか' in English?
How about you?
What can Erika's father cook
He can cook tempura.
It's spring in Japan. What season is it in Australia?
It's fall (autumn).
How do you spell 難しい?
Say all 代名詞 in English.
see page 92
How do you say '早く元気になってね' in English?
Get well soon.
Who did Kota talk to on the internet telephone?
He talked to Emi and Jane.