Happens only sometimes
you look at this person in the _______ when talking to them. Starts with an "E"
When you are frustrated you can:
Walk away
When you are angry you can:
Step 1
A feeling that turns your mouth upside down
Repeated over and over - happens many times
How far apart should you be when talking with someone
1 arm length
When you are frustrated you can:
take deep breaths
When you are angry you can:
Step 2
Count to 10
your fists might clinch up with this feeling
All kids are trying to work things out
True or False: Your voice should be very very loud when talking with someone.
When you are frustrated you can: starts with an "I"
Give them an "I statement"
When you are angry you can:
Step 3
Breathe IN
You eat something you do not like.
There is a power imbalance
You should try and ___________ when speaking with someone. Starts with an "R"
If the person is not listening to you, you can always tell this person:
teacher, counselor, principal
When you are angry you can:
Step 4
Breathe OUT
You can have this many feelings at once.
More than 1
You can tell this person anytime if you are being bullied
teacher, adult, parent, counselor
True or False: It is okay to shake someones hand when you meet them.
True or False: If someone is being unsafe and wanting to push you - you should never hit them back
Tell this person if you need help when you are mad
teacher, counselor, principal, friend