What is the material you get from trees?
Put these numbers in order from the greatest to the least value.
23, 51, 32, 46, 5, 16
51, 46, 32, 23, 16, 5
Sentences end with...
a punctuation mark
What are the three primary colours?
Red, blue, and yellow.
He was born on Christmas day.
Name a very strong material that is often shiny.
Metal (gold, copper, steel, etc.)
What comes after 29?
Every sentence needs to start with...
a capital letter
What are the warm colours?
She is the principal of Good Shepherd.
Mrs. Sarginson
glass or plastic
Decompose the number 16 in two ways.
8 + 8
7 + 9
15 + 1
Name two sounds the y might make at the end of a word.
long e, long i, or long a (ay)
What are the cool colours?
She is an educator who helps the grade one students in Ms. Renaud's class.
Mrs. Doyle
Tape, glue, and paperclips are types of...
Count by 2s to 20.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
Unscramble these words to make a sentence.
flip. Fran and to spin likes
Fran likes to spin and flip.
Do sa do, promenade, and circle to the left are all dance moves from what type of dancing?
Square dancing
He is Santa's North Pole Challenge coordinator.
Ernie Elfinbopper
Where does silk come from?
It comes from the cocoon of a silkworm.
Name a type of graph that was discussed in class.
Pictograph, picture graph, bar graph, concrete graph, tally chart
What do we call the people in stories?
Zig zag, spiral, and broken are all kinds of...
Name one of the teachers who lead the choir.
Mrs. Starkey or Mr. Delaney