What are these words:
always / often / sometimes / never
Adverbs of frequency
Identify this literary device:
I wandered lonely as a cloud.
What are the 2 reasons to use an apostrophe? '
Contraction (missing letters) and possession
Effective descriptive writing engages all five ____. And what are they?
Sight / smell / taste / touch / feel
What city is Ms Tanya from?
What is the missing word:
How long have you ____ living in London?
Identify this literary device:
I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
Which conditional structure is used for facts/truths?
Name 3 things which should not be paraphrased
Names / Dates / Countries / Cities / Titles (Mr/Mrs) / Ages / Direct quotes / Statistics / Terminology
What is the name of Mr Henry's dog?
How many tenses are there in the English language?
Identify this literary device:
The birds flitted from tree to tree.
What grammar structure do we use when we focus on 'what' has been done instead of 'who' did something?
Passive voice
What does VARPF stand for?
Voice, audience, register, purpose, form
Which English teacher previously worked in another city in Kyrgystan?
Mr Femi
Which short word is used to show the result of something?
Name 2 things snakes could represent in literature
Change / Temptation / Loss of innocence / Evil / Deception
What is the grammar structure for saying things that other people have said?
Reported speech
Complete this well known piece of advice:
"Good planning makes...."
Good writing
What is the name of Mr Femi's oldest daughter?
Which verb tense is used to express a definite future plan?
Present continuous
Ex: I am having dinner with my friend tomorrow.
Identify this literary device:
"Mrs Dursley had an unusually long neck which she used to crane over the neighbours fence."
Reverse personification
What is this conditional:
If I had never gone swimming in Australia I wouldn't have been bitten by a shark.
Third (3rd)
Fill the blanks to complete this piece of advice:
Nothing improves _____ and _____ like _____ and _____.
Reading / writing / reading / writing
The three grade ten English teachers have a combined total of how many years of experience?
44 / 46 / 48