Doubtful Matters and the Heart
Sacredness of Life, Chastity, and Fidelity
Golden Age of Islam
The Abbasid Caliphate

Avoid ____________ matters.

  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Righteous
  • Doubtful



Nasīhah means:

  • Sincerity
  • Truly seeking the best, in terms of intention and action, for the one whom he is making nasīhah to
  • Good deeds
  • Having fun

“Truly seeking the best, in terms of intention and action, for the one whom he is making nasīhah to”


(Select all that apply) We should care and respect one another regardless of whether they are __________________.

  • Rich or poor
  • Black or white
  • Arab or non-Arab
  • Sudanese or Armenian

All options


The _________ Caliphate ruled during the Golden Age of Islam.



When was the Abbasid Caliphate established, and what role did it play in Islamic history?

The Abbasid Caliphate was established in 750 CE, succeeding the Umayyad Caliphate. It played a pivotal role in shaping Islamic history, especially during its "Golden Age."


There are three categories of actions:

  • The good, the bad, and the ugly
  • The nice, the mean, and the bystanders
  • The lawful, the unlawful, and the doubtful
  • The hummus, the baba ganoush, and the naan

The lawful, the unlawful, and the doubtful


One who wishes to do nasihah to Allah (SWT) needs to have the correct ____________.

  • Intention
  • Answer
  • Course materials
  • Knowledge



What does 'iffah generally translate to in English?

  • Life
  • Fidelity
  • Chastity
  • Resources



Which regions of the world did Islam successfully spread to during its Golden Age?

Middle East; North Africa; Central Asia


What was the significance of the Abbasids relocating the capital from Damascus to Baghdad?

The relocation of the capital to Baghdad reflected the Abbasids' commitment to cultural and intellectual advancements. It marked the beginning of the Islamic Golden Age, characterized by remarkable achievements in various fields.


Name 3 fitan for the heart.

Bad deeds, desires, lusts, doubts (regarding the dīn), misconceptions, violence/persecution, socio-economic or political crises.


"The true Muslim is one who will not ________ others, verbally, physically, or by any other means."



No life may be violated, unless....

in cases where there has been a serious violation of the Sharī'ah.


What time-span best describes the period of the Islamic Golden Age?

700 - 1258 CE


What notable contributions were made in mathematics during the Islamic Golden Age?

Scholars like Al-Khwarizmi made significant advancements in algebra, and Arabic numerals, as well as the concept of zero, were introduced, revolutionizing mathematics and commerce.


(Select all that apply) Important actions for the purification of the heart are:

  • Dhikr
  • Muhāsabah
  • Murāqabah
  • Reading fantasy novels

Dhikr, Muhāsabah and Murāqabah


"Bid'ah only arises when the __________ is not known or practiced"



It is not permissible to kill a Muslim except in three cases. Name two of the three cases.

A married person who does adultery

A life for a life

One who is a deserter of their religion, abadoning the community


Before its destruction by the Mongol Empire, what city was the capital of the Islamic Caliphate and the centre of learning in Arabia & Persia?



What was the role of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age?

The House of Wisdom was a center for scholarship and the translation of texts. It played a crucial role in preserving and translating ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian works into Arabic, laying the foundation for future intellectual achievements 


Al-Imam al-Bukhari began one of his books using the hadith on doubtful matters and the heart to exemplify the attitude we should uphold when doing business. What is the name of the book? 

  • ‘Ulum al-Qur’an
  • Fath al-Bari
  • Kitab al-Buyu
  • Riyadh us Saleheen

Kitab al-Buyu


(Select all that apply) The concept of al-walā’ encompasses which of the following:

  • To love every Muslim
  • To care for all Muslims
  • To help other Muslims
  • To Defend and protect other Muslims

All options


Discuss any one of the below challenges to Muslim society and why exactly they are a challenge.

  • Mass Media
  • Resources
  • Perception of Islam

Mass Media: It is used to promote evil behaviour and make it appear normal. At the same time it often trivializes good behavior. It directly defies and promoted the three exceptional evils mentioned in the Hadith (adultery/fornication, violence/murder, apostacy).

Resources: Muslims who lack the resources they need to support themsleves and their family often find little help from the Muslim community, instead they are approached by outsiders with aid (sometimes missionaries). This causes a rift in the community and the increase in Muslims seeking help/resources from outside the community slowly disintegrates any value the Muslim community has.

Perception of Islam: Orientalists and certain non-Muslim intellectuals create misconceptions of Islam with which society is often indoctrinated to. These misconceptions taint the hearts and minds of Muslims with doubt and idologies directly opposed to the Islamic value system and culture.


What invention allowed Muslim scientists to measure one's position on the planet as well as the position of various stars in the universe?



How did trade and commerce contribute to the prosperity of the Abbasid Caliphate, and which trade routes played a crucial role?

Trade and commerce played a significant role in the prosperity of the Abbasid Caliphate. The empire's strategic location at the crossroads of major trade routes, including the Silk Road, facilitated the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas, fostering economic growth and cultural exchange
