Digital Health
Digital Health

What is social media?

Social media refers to online platforms and tools that enable users to create, share, and exchange content in virtual communities and networks


List 5 negative aspects of using social media 

  • Addiction and Time Consumption
  • Comparison and Negative Self-Esteem
  • Cyberbullying and Online Harassment
  • Privacy and Security Concerns
  • Spread of Misinformation and Fake News

Which body parts make up the nervous system?

Can you identify specifically the:
- Central Nervous System
- Peripheral Nervous System

The Brain, Spinal Cord & Nerves.

CNS = brain and spinal cord

PNS = nerves which extend to the outer extremities 


Who developed social cognitive theory? What does he say social cognitive theory is?

Albert Bandura’s theory explains how people learn and develop their behaviour and skills through watching, imitating and copying other people.


Can you define 'Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation'?

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation encompass a range of therapeutic interventions and exercises designed to restore physical function, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being


Why do we use social media?

Through social media, users can engage in a wide range of activities, including posting and consuming content, following or connecting with other users, participating in discussions, joining groups or communities, and reacting or commenting on posts.


What is a 'digital footprint'?

Everything you do online. Every click, link you visit, site you look at, app you open.


What are the 3 things we talk about when referring to the Basic Cognitive Process?

1. Sensation

2. Perception 

3. Consciousness

Can you remember what these are?


What is 'Fight or Flight' mode?

Fight  or  flight  response  is  an  automatic  or  natural reaction  when  something  is  scary  or stressful. Your body usually prepares to face the situation (fight) or leave the situation (flight or fly). This is due to an increase in hormones being produces by the adrenal glands (sits just above your kidneys).


What can we use physiotherapy and rehabilitation for?

- Improve mobility

- To recover from a stroke

- To recover from or prevent a sports injury

- To improve balance or prevent falls

- To manage age related issues

- To manage women's health during pregnancy 


Give some examples of social media platforms 

Some popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest, each with its own unique features and purposes.


What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying can be defined as the act of using digital platforms and technology to intimidate, harass, or harm others by sending or spreading malicious, offensive, or threatening messages or content.


What are the 5 things we refer to when we talk about the Higher Cognitive Process?

1. Memory

2. Learning

3. Intelligence 

4. Language 

5. Thinking


What are the signs or symptoms that someone is stressed?

change in heartbeat (palpitations)



problems sleeping

digestive problems, such as not going to the toilet or going a lot

breathing problems, such as breathing very quickly


aches and pains


What is Passive Therapy?

Can you think of any examples?

Passive therapy is when something is done to the patient.

Examples include:
- Massage / Manipulation 

- Acupuncture

- Laser treatment

- Ultrasounds 

- Electrical Nerve Stimulation

- Hot / Cold pack 


What does it mean to feel 'inadequate'?

The word "inadequate" is an adjective that describes something or someone as insufficient, lacking in quality, quantity, or capability to meet a particular requirement or expectation.


What is personal esafety?

Personal eSafety refers to the practices and measures taken to ensure one's safety and security while engaging in online activities, protecting against potential risks and threats in the digital realm.


What are the main stages of the Human Life Cycle?






Older Adult


Can you identify the 12 parts of a Scientific Report?

1. Author

2. Title

3. Abstract - a small summary telling you what the paper is about.

4. Hypotheses - the idea or theory you have.

5. Introduction

6. Methods - this is how you conducted your research.

7. Research Design - this could be data analysis or interviews. 

8. Results

9. Discussion

10. Conclusion

11. Recommendations

12. References


What is Active Therapy?

This is when the patient can play an active part in their own recovery. They do not always need supervised input. They could do some exercises, stretches, weightlifting or movements on their own.


What are some of the positive effects of social media?

  • Connectivity and Communication
  • Information Sharing and Awareness
  • Networking and Professional Opportunities
  • Creativity and Self-Expression
  • Global Awareness and Cultural Exchange

What is personal information esaefty?

Personal information eSafety involves safeguarding one's sensitive and personally identifiable information from unauthorized access, misuse, or exploitation while using online platforms and services.


Can you remember the 4 stages of Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development?

1. Sensorimotor

2. Pre-Operational

3. Concrete operational

4. Formal Operational

Can you remember the age range for each stage?


What is an abstract?

This is a very brief summary of the report. It includes a small amount of information about what you did and why. It shows the problem, and it will also include your findings and recommendations


What are the 3 areas of Physical Therapy?

- Musculoskeletal 

- Neuro

- Cardiac / Respiratory
