Main Idea
Context Clues/Vocab
Context Clues/Vocab

What is the main idea of a story?

what the passage or reading is mainly about


What is the theme of a story?

a message that you can take from the story or a lesson that you can learn


The boy lingered in the stands after the concert. He was hoping to watch the band members pack up. What does lingered mean?

stayed around; waited


The three students decided to collaborate on the project, since they all had different talents to share. What does collaborate mean?

work together; cooperate


I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable feeling. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below.

Who am I?



Describe a category for the list of words: beagle, poodle, spaniel, golden retriever, pug



What could be a theme of Beauty and the Beast?

don't judge someone on how they look; love is a powerful thing


Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He'd had his dog for 13 years. What does anguish mean?

extreme pain; sadness; suffering


The student strives to get an A on the test. What does strives mean?

tries; attempts; a goal


My father did not like to wear his crown. He said it was heavy and made his head hurt. While I did not have a crown, my parents made sure I had a silk dress with gold thread to wear for the coronation.

Who am I?



Describe a category for the list of words: yurt, shack, igloo, cottage, bungalow, ranch

homes; houses; places to live


What could be a theme of Frozen?

being brave and courageous has its rewards; put family first


Our hockey team was far superior than any other team in the league. We had not lost a game yet! What does superior mean?

the best; greatest


Cheerleaders are a boisterous group. They spend a lot of time jumping and shouting to energize the players and the fans. What does boisterous mean?

loud; noisy; full of energy


The crowd began to roar as I made a few practice swings with the bat. The umpire called to me sharply to hurry. I was not in any hurry to face the most famous pitcher in history.

Who am I?

baseball player


What is the main idea of this paragraph? 

Dear Mom, I know you don't think I should have Mikey's baby iguana when he moves, but here's why I should. If I don't take it, he goes to Stinky, and Stinky's dog, Lurch, will eat it. You don't want that to happen, do you? Your son, Alex

Alex wants the baby iguana for a pet; Alex tries to convince his mom to let him have the baby iguana


What could be a theme of The Tortoise & the Hare?

slow and steady wins the race; don't be full of yourself


The gymnast was so agile. I was amazed at the graceful way she moved during the floor routine. What does agile mean?

to move easily and quickly; flexible


The auditorium looks like it is filled to capacity. I don't think we will find an empty seat. What does capacity mean?

largest amount possible; full


I often work in the early morning when the light is best. The canvas has had time to dry overnight. When I start, I make sure all of my brushes are clean. 

Who am I?



What is the difference between the main idea of a story and the theme of a story?

the main idea is mainly what the story is about; the theme is a lesson or message from the story


What could be the theme of Finding Nemo?

friends come in many shapes and sizes; never give up


Keep your speech concise to save time. We have many students who need to present their reports. What does concise mean?

short; few words


Nina was completely inept at cooking. She seemed to burn everything she tried to cook. What does inept mean?

little or no skill; not very good


I liked walking next to the covered wagon more than riding in it with my sisters. If I got tired, sometimes my father would let me ride horseback behind him. In the evening, Pa, my brothers, and I would sleep under the wagon, while Ma and my sisters slept in the wagon. I hoped we would reach the West soon.

Who am I?

pioneer boy; boy traveler
