How many beats is a quarter note worth?
One beat
What does the word "forte" mean?
Loud. It means to play the music loudly
What family do xylophones belong to?
The percussion family.
"I don't care what they're going to say. Let the storm rage on ____________________."
The cold never bothered me anyway.
This is what we call someone who writes music.
How many beats is a whole note worth?
Four beats
What does crescendo mean?
To gradually get louder.
What family is the saxophone in?
"I'm just having fun. On the stage in my heels it's where I belong. Down at the __________________"
Pink Pony Club
This is created when two or more notes are sung or played at the same time to create a pleasant sound.
What does tempo mean?
The speed. How fast or slow the music is played.
Put these instruments in order from smallest to largest: Cello, Violin, Viola, Bass
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
It's a love story baby just say "Yes"!
This is what a conductor holds to help the musicians see him or her.
A baton.
What are"dynamics" in music?
It refers to the volume, or how loud or soft the music is.
What family does the harp belong to?
"Baby when you finally get to love somebody, guess what _______________."
It's gonna be me!
Put these dynamic markings in order from loudest to softest: Mezzo forte, piano, forte, pianissimo.
Forte, mezzo forte, piano, pianissimo.
How many beats do we hold three half notes tied together?
6 beats
What does a cappella mean?
Without accompaniment, only voices.
What material is a tuba made out of?
Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey, baby, __________________.
I think I want to marry you.
Put these tempo markings in order from fastest to slowest: Presto, Largo, Allegro, Moderato.
Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Largo