Who was Stephen?
A deacon in the early church.
Who told Philip to go to the desert road?
An angel of the Lord
How was Saul’s life before his conversion?
He was a pharisee who arrested Christians.
How did the disciples respond to Paul at first in Jerusalem?
They were afraid of him.
Who had Peter arrested?
King Herod
Why were the Pharisees angered by Stephen?
He preached about Jesus
What was the Ethiopian reading?
The prophecies of Isaiah
Where was Saul travelling to when he saw the light and what happened?
Damascus; he fell down, heard a voice saying "Saul, why are you persecuting me?" and saw Jesus.
What miracle did Paul perform in Lystra and how did the people respond.
Paul healed a crippled man. The people believed they were Gods.
How did Peter escape prison?
An angel came. Peter's chains broke and fell off and he followed the angel out of the prison.
What did they do with Stephen?
Stoned him.
What did Philip do when he met the Ethiopian?
Taught him about Jesus
Who helped Paul in Damascus?
How did the people respond when they were disappointed?
They stoned Paul and dragged him outside of the city to die.
Where did Peter go after he escaped?
To his friends' house.
Who watched as Stephen was stoned?
What did the Ethiopian ask Philip?
“What does this scripture mean?”
Why did people want to kill Paul?
He preached about Jesus.
What did Paul and Silas do in prison and what happened?
They sang and an earthquake broke the walls and doors of the prison.
How did Peter’s friends help him?
By praying.
What did Stephen see while he was being stoned?
Jesus standing at the right hand of God
How did the Ethiopian respond?
He asked to be baptized.
How did Paul escape from Damascus?
What happened to the prison guard?
He and his family believed in Jesus.
Explain one way you are inspired by the people we learned about this quarter (Gideon, David, Nehemiah, etc.).
Answers will vary.