The number of vibrations per unit of time
What is frequency?
All sounds are made from these - they enter our ears and we hear the sound. The faster these are, the higher the pitch
vibrations amplifiers molecules
What are vibrations?
All of the colors combined creates this
rainbow, white light, black
What is white light?
Sound and lights both travel in
What are waves?
A natural source of light that gives off both light and heat.
What is fire or the sun?
Sound waves travel this way
in a straight line, in all directions, back and forth
What all directions like ripples on a pond
a system of communicating which uses dots and dashes
internet, coding, Morse code
Morse code
When you see a rainbow, you are seeing an example of this
reflection, dispersion, refraction, illumination
What is dispersion
What is it called when light bounces off of an object?
what is reflection
Light bounces off this type of shiny material, such as a mirror, glass or smooth water.
refraction, reflection, radiation
What is reflective or reflection
The loudness or softness of sound.
What is volume?
Computer coding uses a system of
dots and dashes, 1's and 0's, letters and numbers
1's and 0's
This causes us to SEE a plane before we can HEAR it
What is light travels faster than sound?
what makes things visible
what is light
What is a lens that makes objects look larger?
convex or concave
what is convex?
The highness or lowness of sound
pitch, frequency, volume
What is pitch?
The distance from the top of one wave to the top of the next
What is a wavelength?
A text book is an example of this type of material
transparent, opaque, invisible
What is opaque?
vibrations that travel through the air
what is sound
When light bends such as eye glasses, through water or on hot pavement.
refraction, reflection, evaporation
What is refraction?
The height of a wave from bottom to top
frequency, amplitude, wavelength
what is amplitude
The more pixels a photo has the __________ the image is
brighter, clearer, better
what is clearer
Wax paper is an example of this type of material
transparent, opaque, invisible, translucent
What is translucent?
Sound and light are both a form of ...
What is energy?