The definition of product.
What is the answer to a multiplication problem?
The answer to a subtraction problem.
What is difference?
The rules we use to round numbers.
What is:
4 or below, let it go
5 or above, give it a shove
The definition of numerator and denominator.
What is numerator- the top number of the fraction and denominator- the bottom number of the fraction?
The name of the city you live in.
What is Tonawanda?
24 x 3
What is 72?
104 - 73
What is 31?
Round 47 to the nearest ten
What is 50?
2/9 + 4/9
What is 6/9?
I am a number.
I am greater than 10 but less than 20.
If you double me, you get 30.
What is 15?
23 x 12
What is 276?
123 - 79
What is 44?
Round 1,236 to the nearest hundred.
What is 1,200?
4/6 x 3/4
What is 12/24?
The name of our school
What is Tonawanda Elementary School?
245 x 8
What is 1,960?
543 - 59?
What is 484?
Round 42,256 to the nearest thousand.
What is 42,000?
6 x 2/10
What is 12/10?
I am an odd number.
I am greater than 40 but less than 50.
The sum of my digits is 9.
What is 45?
423 x 14
What is 5,922?
503 - 64
What is 439?
Round 987,654 to the nearest ten thousand.
What is 990,000?
4 3/4 - 3 1/4
What is 1 2/4?
Why was the math book sad?
Because it had too many problems!