What is the first branch of Furūʿ ad-Dīn?
The first branch of Furūʿ ad-Dīn is Ṣalāh, which refers to praying five times a day.
What does the word najāsah refer to in Islam?
Najāsah refers to things that are spiritually impure in Islam.
What is the most common and widely used purifying agent in Islam?
What does the term "Istiḥālah" refer to?
Istiḥālah refers to a fundamental or natural change of state, where a najis (impure) substance changes into a different substance, and is no longer najis.
What happens to someone who accepts Islam, according to the text?
A person who accepts Islam is considered ṭāhir, as Islam is the first among the spiritual purifiers.
Which branch of Furūʿ ad-Dīn involves giving one-fifth of your savings to a marjaʿ?
The branch of Furūʿ ad-Dīn that involves giving one-fifth of your savings to a marjaʿ is Khums.
What is an example of something that is ‘ayn an-najis in Islam?
Blood is an example of something that is ‘ayn an-najis in Islam.
Can water from a river or stream be used as a purifying agent?
Yes, running water from a river or stream can be used as a purifying agent.
When wine changes into vinegar, does it become ṭāhir or najis?
When wine changes into vinegar, it becomes ṭāhir (pure).
What does the term "Ghaybat ul-Muslim" mean?
Ghaybat ul-Muslim refers to the disappearance of a Muslim. If a Muslim goes out of sight long enough to purify themselves or their belongings, they are considered ṭāhir upon return.
Which branch of Furūʿ ad-Dīn requires Muslims to guide others to do good?
The branch of Furūʿ ad-Dīn that requires Muslims to guide others to do good is Amr bil maʿrūf.
Can the blood of cold-blooded animals, such as fish or insects, be considered najis?
No, the blood of cold-blooded animals, such as fish or insects, is not considered najis.
What is the minimum amount of water in a body of water (such as a pond or lake) that can be used to purify things?
The body of water must contain at least 384 liters (about the size of 1.5 bathtubs) to be used for purification.
How can the blood of a mosquito become ṭāhir?
If a mosquito sucks human blood, the blood inside the mosquito becomes ṭāhir because it has changed location (from human to mosquito).
What should you assume about something if you don't know whether it's ṭāhir or najis?
If you don’t know whether something is ṭāhir or najis, you should assume it is ṭāhir until proven otherwise.
What is the meaning of the term "Tabarrī" in Furūʿ ad-Dīn?
Tabarrī refers to loving the 14 Maʿṣūmīn (the infallible family of the Prophet) and following their teachings, as well as staying away from the enemies of the 14 Maʿṣūmīn and their teachings.
How can something that has become najis be purified?
Something that has become najis can be purified through muṭahhirāt (purifying agents),
What conditions must be met for the earth to purify soles of shoes or feet?
The conditions for the earth to purify soles of shoes or feet are:
Is the blood inside your nose najis or ṭāhir when you have a nosebleed?
Is the blood inside your nose najis or ṭāhir when you have a nosebleed?
If a non-Muslim gives you a spoon, what should you consider it to be?
You should consider the spoon ṭāhir, unless you know for sure that it has been touched with flowing wetness by the non-Muslim.
What is the relationship between Uṣūl ad-Dīn and Furūʿ ad-Dīn?
Usul Al-Din (the roots of religion) are the fundamental beliefs in Islam, and Furūʿ ad-Dīn (the branches of religion) are the practices that Muslims must do based on their belief in the Uṣūl ad-Dīn. While both are important, Uṣūl ad-Dīn is considered more important because without the correct beliefs, the actions (Furūʿ ad-Dīn) lack meaning.
What are the three groups of muṭahhirāt, and which one includes the agents like water and the sun?
The three groups of muṭahhirāt are:
What conditions must be met for the sun to purify immovable things like buildings or walls?
For the sun to purify immovable things like buildings or walls:
What happens to the stool of a najis animal when it combines with earth? Does it become ṭāhir?
When the stool of a najis animal combines with earth, it turns into manure, which becomes ṭāhir.
What is the meaning of "Tabaʿīyyah" and how does it work in terms of najis and ṭāhir things?
Tabaʿīyyah means "to follow." It means that when a najis thing or person becomes ṭāhir, the related things, like your hands or a table, will also automatically become ṭāhir.