What is "vingt-neuf"?
What is "vert"?
a firefighter
What is "un pompier"?
What is "a dress"?
seize moins treize font ....?
What is "trois"?
Spell "yellow" in French.
What is "jaune"?
un coiffeur
What is "a hairdresser"?
February 14th
le quatorze fevrier
What are "des chaussettes"?
cinq et quatre et dix et deux font ....?
What is "vingt-et-un"?
Name another French word for "marron".
What is "brun"?
un professeur de francais
What is "a French teacher"?
(fun, of course!)
April 24th
le vingt-quatre avril
a dress shirt
What is "une chemise"?
What is "deux mille seize"?
What is "silver"?
un(e) infirmiere
What is "a nurse"?
Saturday the 12th of June
samedi, le douze juin
Name the two types of hats.
What are "un chapeau" and "une casquette"?
Spell "fifteen" in French.
What is "quinze"?
Name the 6 colours in the colour wheel.
What are "rouge, bleu, jaune, vert, orange et violet"?
Name another French word for "medecin".
What is "un docteur"?
mercredi, le trente juillet, vingt vingt cinq
Wednesday, July 30th, 2025
un impermeable
What is "a raincoat"?