Past Simple Tense
Yesterday, ago and last are normally used for:
Harry and Bob (love/loves) to play basketball during lunch break.
Harry and Bob love to play basketball during lunch break.
A verb tense that indicates an action "is going to" or "will" continue to happen.
Future Tense
It is an action word.
Future Simple Tense
Change to past tense:
"My best friend teaches me how to speak Japanese".
My best friend taught me how to speak Japanese.
Spell the present tense of the word "caught"
Complete for future:
Peter ________ (take) the order of the customer.
Peter will take the order of the customer.
Katy speaks Spanish very well.
Present Tense
"Be going to" has a meaning of...
1) Present continuous and 2) Future simple
Future Simple Tense
What is the past tense of the word "buy".
She (be) pretty every day.
She is pretty every day.
Change the sentence to future:
I made dinner yesterday night.
I will make dinner tomorrow night.
What tense is " they were eating in class"
Past Progressive/Continuous Tense
Present Simple Tense
We form a simple past of regular verbs by adding ___ to the verb.
Complete the sentence to present tense.
She ____________ (do) not want pizza today for dinner.
She does not want pizza today for dinner.
Which is in future tense
a) will travel
b) traveled
c) travels
A) will travel
Name of a person, places, things or animals.
I was watching Korean Drama since last week.
Identify its tense.
Past Progressive/Continuous Tense
Ms. Amanda gives her class an assignment.
Ms. Amanda gave her class an assignment
Identifies a present action that is in progress or repeating
Present Progressive/Continuous Tense
Auxiliary verbs for future tense
"Will" and "Shall"
He, She, We and They are some of the examples of ....