What the bottom number of a fraction is called?
What is denominator?
3.45 + 1.99
What is 5.44?
The formula for volume.
What is V= l x w x h?
The formula for area?
What is A= l x w?
What is 746 rounded to the nearest ten?
What is 750?
What is the sum of 1/4 + 2/3?
What is 11/12?
23.21 - 1.33
What is 21.88?
A fish tank is 10 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 8 inches high. What is its volume?
What is 400 cubic inches?
A rectangle is 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. What is its area?
What is 32 square inches?
What is 7.845 rounded to the nearest hundredth?
What is 7.85?
What is the difference between 5/6 - 1/2?
What is 1/3?
451.02 - 99.99
What is 351.03?
A cereal box is 12 inches high, 7 inches wide, and 3 inches long. What is its volume?
What is 252 cubic inches?
A square has a side length of 6 cm. What is its area?
What is 36 square cm?
What is 8.915 rounded to the nearest tenth?
What is 8.9?
What is 4/5 × 3/2?
What is 12/10 or 1 2/10 or 1 1/5?
47.6 x 7.9
What is 376.04?
A swimming pool is 25 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 5 feet deep. How many cubic feet of water can it hold?
What is 1,250 cubic feet?
A parallelogram has a base of 9 meters and a height of 7 meters. What is its area?
What is 63 square meters?
What is 12.346 rounded to the nearest whole number?
What is 12?
What is 3 2/5 - 1 3/4?
What is 1 5/20 or 1 1/4?
12.6 ÷ 4.2
What is 3?
A rectangular prism has a length of 9 inches, a width of 5 inches, and a height of 8 inches. What is its volume?
What is 360 cubic inches?
A parallelogram has an area of 120 square inches and a base of 10 inches. What is its height?
What is 12 inches?
A bottle holds 2.745 liters of water. Round the volume to the nearest tenth.
What is 2.7 liters?