How many weeks are in Advent?
Which church season comes before Christmas
What day of the week is the first day of Advent?
What do we call the future time when Jesus Christ will come into the world again?
The Second Coming
What is the church's color for Advent?
What does the word Advent mean?
During Advent, we prepare for Jesus Christ to come into our ______ for Christmas.
During Advent, what do we pray for?
During Advent, we remember God’s ______ to send our Savior, Jesus.
During Advent, we try harder to do what?
Help others
What did Jesus the Savior save his people from?
What Advent custom uses three purple candles and one pink candle to remind us that Jesus brings light into our darkness?
Advent wreath
The circle of green leaves on an Advent wreath reminds us that God’s love is what?
In which week of Advent do we light the pink candle?
Week 3
What is Jesus the light of?
The world
God sent special people to remind everyone that God would keep his promises of love. We hear readings from the Bible about these people in church during Advent. Who are these people?
What prophet from the Old Testament predicted the coming of the Savior?
Who announced that Jesus the Savior was coming to the world?
John the Baptist
Which angel announced to Mary that God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus?
Who did an angel visit in a dream, saying “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife”?
Who was the cousin of Mary who was also the mother of John the Baptist?
What great feast of Mary's do we celebrate on December 8?
Immaculate Conception
Which patron saint of children do we celebrate on December 6?
Saint Nicholas
Which saint, whose name means light, has a feast day that we celebrate on December 13?
Saint Lucy
On what date during Advent do we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
December 12