While Samuel was sleeping, he heard __ calling him.
the Lord
Samuel anointed __ with oil and declared him king.
Who were the judges?
men and women who helped the Israelites stay faithful to God
Samuel told Saul that because he had disobeyed the Lord .
the Lord had rejected him as king
Samuel and the other judges helped
keep the Israelites on the right path
How long have the Franciscans worked in the Holy Land?
since the founding of the Order of Friars
The Church helps
keep us on the path of Jesus
Peter said that Jesus was
the Son of the living God
What did Jesus call Peter when he made him the leader of the Church?
a rock
Catholics prepare the world for the coming of God’s heavenly kingdom by .
serving others and teaching about Christ
ordained ministers of the Church
a way of serving and caring for others in Christ’s name
following the teachings of the Apostles
in communion with God
people in the Church who are not clergy or religious brothers or sisters
united in faith, worship, and authority
the Church established by Christ
established to help the Kingdom of God grow on Earth
the leader of the Church today
Describe the ways that God asked Samuel and Peter to serve him.
Samuel was born to a faithful Israelite woman named Hannah who dedicated him to the Lord at his birth, and gave him over to be raised by the priest Eli. God spoke to Samuel in his sleep and told him he would be a great prophet. Samuel listened to the Lord, followed his advice, and helped to lead God’s people
Peter recognized that Jesus was the long-awaited Savior of Israel, the Son of the Living God. Because of this, Jesus decided to make Peter the head of his Church.
Describe ways that young people today can serve God and make his kingdom known to others.
young people can serve God and make his kingdom known to others by making God a priority in their lives, obeying God's commandments, spreading the saving message of Jesus to others, caring for others, becoming involved with their parishes, and so on.