Jesus said, “I am the ; whoever comes to me will never hunger” (John 6:35).
bread of life
Jesus instituted at the Last Supper while sharing a traditional Jewish meal with his Apostles.
the Eucharist
Jesus said that the bread and wine at the Last Supper was his .
Body and Blood
Jesus said that we should work for food that endures for .
eternal life
Jesus said that unless we eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, we do not have
life within us
What do we respond at the end of Mass to express our gratitude to God?
“Thanks be to God.”
Jesus said that gives us the true bread from Heaven, which gives life to the world.
God the Father
Before hearing the voice of the Risen Lord, Paul was on his way to
arrest Christians
After Paul was arrested, how did he continue his mission?
by establishing many Church communities
Paul wrote to Timothy, “I have finished the race; I have ” (2 Timothy 4:7).
kept the faith
Jesus Christ acts through the ___, offering the Eucharistic sacrifice in every Mass.
_____ include prayers for the good of others and prayers that praise God for his works and gifts.
The _____ is the center of all Catholic life.
After Mass, the consecrated hosts are kept in the ____
The first Christian martyr was ____
Jesus Christ established the new and eternal ____ through his Death and Resurrection.
A container in which the Eucharist is placed for adoration is the ___
The _____ recalls Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross and the Last Supper.
Eucharistic Prayer
During the ___ of the Blessed Sacrament, we pray before the Eucharistic host.
The act of worshiping or honoring God as divine is called ___
Explain what Catholics experience when they receive Holy Communion.
In Holy Communion Catholics receive Christ whole and entire. Their venial sins are forgiven and God draws them closer to him. Christ’s presence within them helps protect them from mortal sin. They are better able to serve others.
Explain the importance to you of receiving the Eucharist.
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