What is a protagonist?
The main character of a story
What do you do in the A part of ACE?
Answer the question using a complete sentence.
What should you do before you print your final copy?
Ensure your name is on the document you are printing.
What do you write in the topic sentence?
You introduce the form of text, title, and author of the text and tell the reader what you're connecting to.
You should use Word prediction to type the answers to the reading comprehension questions.
What is setting?
WHERE and WHEN the story takes place
What do you do in the C part of ACE?
Cite evidence from the text (a direct example you copy or one you paraphrase)
What are the three types of connections you can make to a text?
Text to self, text to text, text world
What do you write after the topic sentence?
A connection statement, stating what the two things have in common
Surface connections are better than deep connections.
What is conflict?
The main problem that occurs in the story
What do you do in the E part of ACE?
Explain how the text evidence supports your answer.
How do you end a connection paragraph?
By stating what the connection proves
What comes after the connection statement?
You explain the thing you are connecting to the original text
I don't have to do the active reading strategies (highlighting) if I don't feel like it.
As many as you can find!
Name two strategies to use when answering reading comprehension questions.
Highlight key words in the question, use WordQ Word Prediction, read the questions with WordQ, always refer back to the text, highlight answers in the text
Connect to the theme of the story (or what the protagonist learned)
After you explain YOUR connection, what do you write?
You explain how it connects to the original text
I don't have to use the graphic organizer if I don't want to.
Why do you need to complete your active reading strategies?
Because they will help you better understand the text
How do you ensure your answers to the questions are in complete sentence?
You state part of the question in your answer.
What are the 3 things you must include in a topic sentence?
Title of the text, author, and what you're connecting the story to
What do you ask yourself, to know if your connection is deep or surface?
Does this connection help me better understand the text?
If you can't think of a connection, you should try to connect to the way the character feels.