Essay Writing
Shakespeare & Sonnets
The Outsiders
The House on Mango Street

What is the most important sentence of any essay? BONUS: Where is it located?

The thesis (main idea) of entire essay. BONUS +50: At the end of the introduction paragraph.


William Shakespeare is a famous what?

He was a famous playwright and poet.


Who is the main character of The Outsiders?

Ponyboy Curtis


What was Esperanza's dream/passion? (multiple answers are acceptable)

Any ONE of the following will be accepted as correct: Esperanza's passion was writing. Her dreams were to have a house, experience affection, be independent, and get away from Mango Street.


In the following sentence, what are the prepositional phrases? (There are three!)

Around the tree, we sat on a bench to eat lunch after exploring the zoo.

Around the tree

on a bench

after exploring the zoo


What do you call the first and last paragraphs in an essay?

The introduction and the conclusion.


Shakespeare created over how many words and phrases?

He created over 1,200 words and phrases.


What is the main character's main conflict over the course of the novel The Outsiders?

*Answers will vary somewhat

The main character struggles to understand his own identity/where people fit in the world/why people are separated into groups.


What is a common challenge for women on Mango Street?

The women on Mango Street feel trapped (whether by poverty, controlled by others, or cultural expectations/situations).


What is/are the subject(s) in the following sentence?

The silly, lost mouse and his brother explored the forest before finding a place to camp.

mouse, brother


A body paragraph should consist of what FOUR elements?

a topic sentence, evidence, explanations, and a transition OR conclusion


Why are Shakespeare's plays still read and studied today?

*Answers will vary

Shakespeare's characters and plots present real humans in a wide range of relatable emotions and conflicts. These situations are relevant to humans no matter what time period allowing them to be re-made into modern adaptations.


True or False: "Violence only leads to more violence" is a theme taught in The Outsiders.



True or false: 'People are often afraid or uncomfortable with anything different from themselves' is a theme from The House on Mango Street.



Identify the verb or verb phrase in the following sentence.

The flowers have bloomed overnight.

have bloomed


In the following piece of evidence taken from a body paragraph, what is missing?

For example, a study says, "Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes feelings of sleepiness."

A parenthetical citation!

Correction: For example, a study says, "Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes feelings of sleepiness" (Summer and Vyas 1).


How many plays and sonnets did Shakespeare write?

He wrote 36 plays and 154 sonnets.


True or False: "People can find freedom through following their dreams and having a purpose" is a theme taught in The Outsiders.

False! This is a theme from The House on Mango Street.


True or false: 'Stereotypes do not define who people truly are' is a theme from The House on Mango Street.

False! That theme is from The Outsiders!


Is the verb in the sentence below an action verb or a linking verb?

The berries grew on the branch.

Linking verb (can replace with form of "to be" and have same meaning: ex- The berries are on the branch)


How should you decide to order the body paragraphs of your essay?

The order of body paragraph topics should MATCH the order they are listed in the thesis.

(Ex: Tacos are the best because they're crunchy, travel-friendly, and versatile. Body #1 = crunchy, Body #2= travel-friendly, and Body #3= versatile)


List four requirements of a traditional sonnet.

-14 lines

-three quatrains, one couplet

-ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme

-iambic pentameter


Name one side character from The Outsiders AND 

-label whether they are Dynamic or Static AND

-label whether they are Round or Flat.

(Dynamic characters change over the course of the story while Static characters do not. Flat characters are known for only one personality trait while Round characters have more than one)

Darry: Dynamic, Round

Soda: Static, Round

Johnny: Dynamic, Round

Dally: Static, Round

Two-Bit: Static, Round

Steve: Static, Flat

Cherry: Static, Round

Randy: Dynamic, Round

Bob: Static, Flat


What ends up inspiring Esperanza to follow her dreams of writing and plan to leave- but return to help the community of Mango Street in the future?

Alicia as well as The Three Sisters inspire Esperanza to have purpose and confidence with her dream of writing. They remind her to come back to Mango Street. Eventually she understands what this means (to give back to the community she came from).


List ALL NINE (three simple, three perfect, three progressive) verb tenses of the verb "to ride".

Present: ride/s,

Past: rode,

Future: will ride,

Pres. Perf: has/have ridden,

Past Perf: had ridden,

Fut. Perf: will have ridden,

Pres. Pro: is/am/are riding,

Past Pro: was/were riding,

Fut. Pro: will be riding
