Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Random Trivia

The Industrial Revolution took place here between 1750 and 1850.

What is Britain?


These are households or individuals (Consumers), businesses (Producers), Governments, and Banks.

Who are Economic Agents?


The increasing connectedness and interdependence of world cultures and economies.

What is Globalisation?


This was created on December 10, 1948, under the chairmanship of Eleanor Roosevelt.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? (UDHR)


This is a group of owls, as well as a legislative body of government. 

What is a parliament?


This originates  from the French word for rebirth, used to describe the historical time period between approximately 1400 and 1600.

What was the Renaissance?


This system typically accepts private ownership of most means of production, with some government intervention, mainly through regulations. 

What is a Mixed Economy?


A network of Eurasian trade routes active from the second century BCE until the mid-15th century that played a central role in facilitating economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds.

What is the Silk Route?


This written document is the supreme law of India which lays down the framework demarcating fundamental basic code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of Government and its organizations and rights & duties of the citizen.

What is the Constitution of India?


This is an international multisport event that will be taking place after the summer Olympics in France. 

What is the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.


It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, revolutionizing the spread of knowledge and making books more accessible.

What is the Printing Press?


There is an inverse relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded by consumers.

What is the Law of Supply and Demand?


This type pf aid occurs when one country directly assists another through financial aid, technical support, or other resources.

What is Bilateral Aid?


This is a British environmental activist group that aims to convince the British government to commit to ending new fossil fuel licensing and production using civil resistance, nonviolent direct action, traffic obstruction, and vandalism.

What is Just Stop Oil?


This is the national animal of Scotland.

What is a Unicorn?


The integration of intelligent digital technologies into manufacturing and industrial processes such as AI, Big Data, robotics, and automation.

What is the Industrial Revolution 4.0?


Their decisions and preferences influence pricing, product quality, and innovation as businesses respond to their demand.

What is the Consumer?


This theory states that a country should specialize in what it is good at and then trade for products with another country that specializes in different products so that both countries benefit from trade.

What is Comparative Advantage Theory?


This involves intentionally violating laws, regulations, or orders as a form of protest against perceived injustice or oppression. 

What is Civil Disobedience?


This South American landmark is known as “The Lost City of the Incas.”

What is Machu Picchu?


He created the "Vitruvian Man" drawing, demonstrating his interest in human proportions and geometry.

Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?


It is the situation when the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at the current price.

What is a Surplus?


It is a collective term used to refer to the phenomenal growth of Korean culture and popular culture encompassing everything from music, movies, drama to online games and Korean cuisine just to name a few.

What is Hallyu, or the Korean Wave?


This was a theory developed by Karl Marx, in order to explain social change.

What is the Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis Model of Social Change?


These are the Criteria for assessment for Individuals & Societies for MYP

What is Knowing and Understanding, Investigating, Communication and Critical Thinking?
