Weather & Climate
Ethiopian geography
African civilizations

How does eating less meat help to reduce global warming?

Cows produce methane gas when they fart and this increases greenhouse gases in the air


What does the cottage industry refer to?

Small scale manufacturing business owned and operated by an individual in the home


Name 2 countries that share a border with Ethiopia

Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan


Give the full names of these organisations: NAACP & SCLC

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Southern Christian Leadership Conference


Define segregation and discrimination

Segregation- The action or state of setting someone or something apart from others

Discrimination- Treatment in favor of- or against- a person, or group of people.


What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather = day to day changes of the atmosphere. This includes temperature, rainfall and wind

Climate = the average weather conditions of a place, usually measured over one year. This includes temperature and rainfall.


What was one advantage and one disadvantage of enclosures?

- advantage: freedom to experiment new farming techniques

- disadvantage: poor people no longer had a place to farm


What are 3 causes of desertification?

- climate change

- overgrazing by animals

- increased human activity due to population growth


Name 3 events that led to the civil war

The 1850 Compromise

The Fugitive Slave Act

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

The Dred Scott Decision 


Is tree planting a good solution to the problem of deforestation?

No: invasive species planted, trees are cut down or eaten before they grow

Yes: if there is good care and training, and the right trees are grown

Name the instruments that measure the following:

Wind direction, wind speed, temperature, rainfall

Wind vane, anemometer, thermometer, rain gauge


What did the Factory Act of 1833 pass?

- prohibit workers under the age of 9

- restrict working hours in textile mills to 12hours (13-17 year olds) and 8 hours (9-12 year olds)


What are the 3 main crops that contribute most to Ethiopia's economy?

Coffee, oilseeds, teff

Describe the Triangular Trade

Slave ships would leave European ports and sail to African ports loaded with goods manufactured in Europe.

There, the slave traders would purchase enslaved Africans by exchanging the goods, then sail to the Americas via the Middle Passage to sell them in European colonies. 

The slave ship would then sail back to Europe to begin the cycle again


How do tropical cyclones occur?

  • Tropical areas are hot and are intense areas of low pressure
  • Over tropical oceans, the warm moist air rises which creates the low pressure
  • Air cools and condenses which create huge cumulonimbus clouds and heavy rain
  • The low pressure means air is sucked into the centre of the hurricane across the sea where more heat and moisture is gained, fuelling the hurricane
  • Strong winds spiral upwards due to the earth’s rotation

Name 5 major climate zones on earth

Tropical, temperate, polar, arid, highland/mountain


Name 3 results from the Industrial Revolution

- growth of the factory system

- shift of population from country to town / south & east to Midlands and north

- rise in standard of living

- call for education and greater equality


How does deforestation cause problems for the environment and economy of a country?

Environment: soil will be washed away by rain, leads to global warming due to more carbon dioxide, soil washed into rivers causing flooding and death of fish, habitats are destroyed

Economy: reduces natural resources, crops cannot grow


State the 3 visions for African Americans

Booker T. Washington: African Americans should learn skills in order to obtain decent jobs. Equal rights would naturally come later

W. E. B. Du Bois: African Americans should fight for full equal rights in every area of life

Marcus Garvey: African Americans should aim to set up a homeland in Africa 

Describe 3 ways to reduce global warming

- Use renewable energy such as wind or solar power

- Stop the destruction of the rainforests

- Eat less meat 

- Avoid air travel if possible 

- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

- Ensure governments comply with the pollution regulations

- Use sustainable public transport e.g. electric cars


Explain the similarity and difference between the 3 types of rainfall

Similarity: in all rainfalls, warm & moist air is forced to rise and cool

Relief: air is forced to rise over the mountains

Frontal: warm air from the tropics meet the cold air from polar regions and is forced to rise

Convectional: warm air from the ground rises


Was Richard Oastler for or against industrialization? Give reasons

He was against child labour during industrialization. He wrote “Yorkshire Slavery” to shed light on the horrors of industry on the working class


Name 4 ecosystems in Ethiopia

Highlands (Simien mountains), Deserts (Afar), Salt lakes (Danakil), Aquatic (lakes), Semi-tropical forests (Gambella)


How did the Rosa Parks incident help to kickstart the civil rights movement?

Rosa Parks was forced to give up her seat on the bus. She was arrested and found guilty of violating segregation laws. Activists used her case to boycott the buses and many joined in. The Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional on November 13 1956 and the boycott ended on December 20. Rosa Parks was hailed "the mother of the civil rights movement".