In Jesus we have become members of a community so (holy or united) that it is one body
We worship God, offer together the sacrifice of (Calvary or Pentecost) and enter into the Paschal Mystery of Jesus.
The Spirit makes you one with Jesus in the (Sacrament of Reconciliation or Mass)
The Mass has two main parts- Liturgy of the Word and (Liturgy of the Eucharist or Prayers of the Faithful)
Liturgy of the Eucharist
We hear God's stories in the (Liturgy of the Eucharist or Liturgy of the Word)
Liturgy of the Word
In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we are united with Jesus and his
Which of the following breaks our relationship with God
mortal sin
Our sins are forgiven when we recieve
Especially in preparing for Confirmation, it is important to celebrate the Sacrament of
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we pray
an Act of Contrition
The Church is the instrument that makes communion between God and people possible. T/F
The Holy Spirit is completely separate from Jesus T/F
We are united with other members of God's family in the Liturgy of the Eucharist T/F
We commit a mortal sin when we accidentally do something wrong T/F
We commit a mortal sin when we accidentally do something wrong T/F
How is God like a father who cares deeply about his child's welfare?
He has done good things for us like forgiving us, He gives us Jesus who saves us from sin.
How are we united with members of the Church throughout the world?
Through Jesus, the Bread of life/Eucharist
What is the main purpose of the Liturgy of the Word?
To hear or receive God's word or messages
How can mortal sins be forgiven?
What takes place when the priest absolves us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Our sins are forgiven, and the community grows stronger and closer together.