After the wise men left Bethlehem, an angel told Joseph to take Mary and the baby Jesus to this place.
Where is Egypt?
Where baby Jesus slept.
What is a manger?
This movie is about a creature that hates all about Christmas. Extra 100 for the name of the village in the movie
How the Grinch stole Christmas.
Mrs. Rebecca’s favorite Christmas drink contains a heavy amount of dairy…and sometimes rum.
What is Eggnog!
The Angels said/sang this. Luke 2:14
What is "Glory to God in the highest"?
It is prophesied both by the prophet Jeremiah and Isaiah that the Messiah would be a righteous branch in the line of David.
Jesus grew up in this town and in Hebrew the root word could be referred to as "Netzer" or "branch" town.
What is Nazareth?
Incredible! Jesus fulfills all the prophecies in such a manner!
These people saw the star in the East.
Who are the magi (or wise men)?
Name this Movie:
This teacher while away during college in the USA, loved to play MAHJONG with her girlfriends during Christmas time.
Who is Ibu Nisya!
This angel told Mary that she would give birth to the baby Jesus.
Who is the angel Gabriel?
This person’s decree made Mary and Joseph go to Bethleham. (Luke 2:1-5)
Who was Caesar Augustus ?
“There went out a decree from Caesar Augustus… everyone into his own city… “ (Luke 2:1-5).
The wise men gave baby Jesus these THREE gifts.
What is gold, frankincense, myrrh?
What does Mariah Carey want for Christmas?
During Christmas, some people with their family like to roast chestnuts on an open fire, Pak Barto prefers to roast this vegetable instead.
Sweet Corn!
This many angels spoke to the shepherds. (Luke 2:10)
What is ONE?
A semi-trick question because verses 13-14 record what the angel company said as they praised God together. However, only one angel spoke directly to the shepherds.
This city was the capital of Judea around the time of our Lord Jesus' birth.
What is Jerusalem?
Frankincense is this (what is it?).
What is a precious perfume? Frankincense was used in the temple worship of the Lord. It represents his deity because he is truly God born in human flesh.
What did Dumbledore give Harry Potter for Christmas his 1st year at Hogwarts?
"the Cloak of invisibility"
A cozy dinner for two & a sip of wine is this teacher's favorite Christmas pastime.
Who is Ibu Lea!
The "heavenly host" can be interpreted as: _________
What is an "army of angels"?
The term heavenly host means an “army” – literally thousands. Now, since there was a “multitude” of the heavenly army” (hosts), there could easily have been from 10,000 – 100,000 angels there that night! No wonder the shepherds were “so afraid"
This man was righteous and devout, and it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord Messiah
Who was Simeon?
The Christmas story can be found in these TWO books in the bible.
What is Matthew and Luke?
Fun Fact: God divinely inspired these two gospel writers to write His exact words, but he used their interests and professions to recall different aspects of Jesus’ birth. Matthew, a tax collector, records the genealogy of Jesus (used for taxation) and the “magi” – men from a foreign country. Luke, a doctor/physician, focuses on the pregnancy and birth.
Santa Claus gives presents in the USA, who gives presents in the United Kingdom?
Mr. Khoa's favorite Christmas meal consists of this bird.
What is Peking Duck!