Important People
Important Terms
Factors Leading to Confederation
BNA in the mid 1800s
Canada Today
She helped slaves escape the United States into Canada through the Underground Railroad.
Who was Harriet Tubman
A mass movement to an area where gold has been discovered.
What is a Gold Rush?
This decline of this mainstay of the BNA economy was a factor in the BNA considering Confederation

What is the fur trade?

This part of Canada was highly industrialized and was French and followed Roman Catholicism.
What is Canada East?
The name of the area represented by an elected official.
What is a riding?
Officials did not think these people were very important and did not count them in the census of 1851 even though they were in Canada before anybody else.
Who were the First Nations?
Influx of people coming into Canada in the 1830s and 1840s from Europe due to poverty and food shortages back home.
What is the Great Migration?
BNA would need this in order to establish internal trade in order to transport goods amongst the colonies.
What is a transportation system?
This part of Canada was highly Americanized because of the Americans coming in for the Gold Rush. Its main economy focused on forestry and shipping.
What is British Columbia?
These two groups of people are now allowed to vote unlike in the mid 1800s.
Who are the First Nations and women?
An Irish organization that used armed rebellion in their attempt to gain independence from Britain. They were feared by the people of BNA.
Who are the Fenians?
The belief that the United States had a duty to take over the land of North America.
What is the Manifest Destiny?

The Irish-American group who hope to invade BNA to hold hostage in hopes to gain Irish Independence.

Who are the Fenians?

This part of Canada's economy focused on shipbuilding, farming and logging and wanted to unite with each other.
What are the Maritimes?
The name given to the unison of the Canada's.
What is Confederation?
He wanted representation by population and represented the Toronto area in legislature once he entered politics after leaving the newspaper world.
Who is George Brown?
The number of representatives is determined by the size of the population in the region represented.
What is representation by population?

Who was the leader of Canada West during the Confederation Conferences who then became the first Prime Minister of Canada?

Who is John A. Mac Donald?

This part of Canada's economy was highly focused on the fur trade and did not want settlers to come in and set up an agriculture or any other type of industry.
What is Canada West?
A voting system in which a political party gets the same proportion of seats in government as the proportion of votes it received.
What is proportional representation?
He was a lawyer from Montreal that was against representation by population. He said that the Canadiens were already a minority in the Canadas and that by adding more seats to Canada West would only increase the English majority in the legislature.
Who is George Etienne Cartier?
Taxes on imported goods to keep out goods from other colonies in order to protect their own goods.
What are tariffs?
Because Canada East and Canada West both had the same number of seats, every time a major bill came to debate in the legislature, politicians from the Canada's voted each other into this.
What is a political deadlock?

This large section of land was owned by a British company.

What is Rupert's Land?

A vote by the citizens on a proposed government action.
What is a referendum?