Someone who has no home or money.
The birth place of Phillis Wheatley?
Phillis Wheatley was bought by a family of this religious group.
The Quakers.
General George Washington led the troops across this river.
Delaware River.
Another word for the representatives that went to the First Continental Congress.
A Delegate
When someone motivates or encourages you are...?
Where and in what year did Phillis Wheatley publish her first book of poetry?
London in 1773
She wrote a letter to this famous General of the Revolutionary War and the also the first President of the United States.
George Washington.
A group of colonists that sided with the British were called?
Violating a law or agreement
What are Greek and Latin languages?
Classical languages
Phillis Wheatley made a great impact and inspired George Washington and soldiers to keep on fighting during this war.
The American Revolution.
Phillis Wheatley died at this age.
A group of colonists that sided towards independence from Britain.
The School decided to cancel their requirement to wear School Uniforms.
to repeal
Who is a person who wants to end slavery?
An Abolitionist.
Phillis Wheatley wrote about these four topics in her poems>
The Boston Massacre, the greatness of America, the end of the American Revolution, and Patriot generals.
Phillis Wheatley was free in this year
What is 1778?
Name one British Advantage during the Revolutionary War.
World's best Navy or professional army or stable government or stable economy.
The skunks scent forced the people from the campground.
to repel
A person who is refined and educated is...?
Phillis was able to speak this language in 16 months after her arrival.
Phillis Wheatley was known for this talent.
Name one advantage the American side had during the revolutionary war.
Excellent leadership or homefield advantage with lots of support from the patriots.
Another term for tax
a duty