Government Positions
Levels of Governement
Branches of Government
Electoral System + Political Parties
Miscellaneous Super Fun Facts

This person is often seen as the leader of our country, they are the leader of the party with the most seats in the house of commons.

Who Is the Prime Minister of Canada?


This is the level of Government responsible for things like Building permits and Garbage pick up.

What is the Municipal Government?


This Branch is where the Prime Minister resides. May be reffered to as the branch of leaders. 

What is the Executive Branch?


This Party is currently in power in Canada.

What is the Liberal Party?


This is defined as indifference or lack of interest towards an upcoming election. (Voter ________)

What is Voter Apathy?


This persons responsibility is to represent the monarch in the Canadian federal government. They are the final stamp of approval on government decisions.

What is the Governor General?


This level of government is responsible for their regions Drivers licence policies.

What is the Provincial Governent?


This branch is where Bills are passed to become law.

What is the Legislative branch?


This Party is known for its intentions of seperating one province from the rest of Canada

What is The Bloc Quebecois?


This Canadian Lobby group was responsible for persuading the government to enforce stricter drunk driving laws. (mentioned in class)

What is MADD Canada? (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)


This position is the head of the Provincial level of Government

What is a Premier?


This level of government is responsible for negotiating international trade and foriegn treaties.

What is the Federal Government?


The Chief Justice presides over this branch.

What is the Judicial branch?


The Leader of this party was the first in Canadian history who was a visible minority. (Jagmeet Sighn)

What is the NDP Party?


A Communism Government would be on this side of the political spectrum. (Right or Left)

What is the Left side?


This Persons job is to represent the needs, interests, and opinions of the people within their riding at the House of Commons in Ottawa. (Hint theres 338 of them)

What is an MP (Member of Parliment)?


This level of Government is responsible for negotiating treaty rights with the Government of Canada.

What is the First Nations Government?


The Legislative branch consists of two main bodies they are the House of Commons and the ___________.

What is the Senate.


This Party is known for being the furthest of the main parties to the 'Right' in Canada's political landscape.

What is the Conservative Party?


When a bill is becoming a law, this is the stage that a bill get voted on for the first time? (hint ________ Reading)

What is the Second Reading?


This position is for someone who represents the crown/monarchy at the provincial level. This position is similar to the Governor General

Who is the Lt. Governor?


Because Canada has these divisions of power it can be called this type of governement.

What is a Federalist Government?


This court is lead by 9 lead Justices. It is the Court with the final say in legal disagreements.

What is the Supreme Court of Canada.


This type of Government occurs when a single Party wins 170 or more seats in the House of Commons

What is a Majority Government?


You can tell where a bill comes from by its name. Therefore Bill C-20 came from __________________.

What is the House of Commons?
