Command Terms+DBQ skills
Unit 3: Economics
Unit 4: Social Groups
Unit 5: Inaction

This command term requires you to provide three elements: values, limitations, and an opinion.

What is Evaluate.


The following are determinants of:

Price of related goods, Expectations, Number of buyers and sellers

a) Demand

b) Supply

c) Both Supply and Demand

c) Both Supply and Demand


Fill in the attached image with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Provide an example for each level.

What are (Bottom-up): Physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization


Provide a clear example of where inaction by political actors or organizations lead to a humanitarian crisis or disaster.

Examples: NATO's inaction or even complicity towards Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica genocide; Inaction/late response of international community towards Rwandan genocide; lack of political will and anticipatory action in response to food insecurity and famine in Horn of Africa.


Differentiate between the following three DBQ elements: Purpose, Origin, Nature.

Purpose: What is the intention of the author (inform, persuade, entertain, etc.)

Origin: Where is the source coming from? Author, date/place published, type of source (speech, letter, diary entry, book, etc.)

Nature: Primary vs. Secondary


Changes to prices of a good or market at hand is a change to _____________ (quantity demanded, demand, supply, quantity supplied, both quantity demanded and quantity supplied) and this creates ____________ (movement along demand curve only, shift to demand curve, movement along supply curve only, shifts to supply curve, movements along supply and demand curves)

What are both quantity demanded and quantity supplied; movements along supply and demand curves.


According to Durkheim, the main causes for change to social groups are population __________ and _________ . On the other hand, the way in which people interact with each other, and how often they do this is referred to as ___________ .

What are population density; technology; moral density.


Provide a preventative measure for the following Stage of Genocide: Symbolization, Polarization, Dehumanization

Symbolization: Eliminate race, ethnicity, religion on ID cards. Refuse/outlaw use of public symbols.

Polarization: Physically protect moderate leaders, support anti-genocidal organizations, prosecute hate groups, report/take down their social media accounts.

Dehumanization: Condemn use of hate speech, stereotypes, stigmas, etc. and make it culturally unacceptable.


This command term requires you to Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue.



What is Examine.


A price above the ___________ price is a ___________ and market pressure are exerted to _________ prices.

What are equilibrium; surplus; lower


Differentiate between an equality-focused approach and an equity-focused approach to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

equality-focused approach: providing the same level of resources and opportunities to everyone, regardless of their current position within the hierarchy.

equity-focused approach: recognize that individuals may be at different stages of the hierarchy due to varying levels of access to resources, opportunities, and inherent disadvantages.


Differentiate between Systematic Murder/rape and murder/rape that is a by-product of war or civil conflict.

The victims of genocidal murder/rape are used as a substitute for the entire ethnic group, that murder/rape is used as a tool, with the target being the destruction of the entire ethnic group.

By-product of war: not targeted, not intended to be a tool to destroy the larger group, much less incidents, arbitrary or unorganized.


A source's limitation is not its _____________, but rather at what point does it become ______________.

What is weaknesses; of little or no value to a scholar or historian.


Contrast between a market economy and a command economy. Provide an example for each.

Market economy: decisions about what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce are made primarily through the mechanism of the free market (supply and demand, invisible hand, etc.) Examples: Capitalism (most countries today).

Command Economy: decisions about what to produce, and how production is organized are made by individuals or groups of individuals who retain all the control over the production system. Examples: USSR under Stalin (Socialism), feudalism, slavery, etc.


Examine the Marxist criticism of inequality in capitalism.

• Karl Marx's perspective on capitalism emphasized the alienation of labor, lack of self-fulfillment, and coercion in the workplace.

• He criticized how capitalism devalues the worker and emphasizes profit over well-being; this highlights the inequalities and struggles that workers face in this economic structure.

•His theories provide insights into the dynamics of power and exploitation that characterize the relationship between labor and capital in capitalist societies.


Identify and describe the three types of actions in response to the Horn of Africa famine.

What are anticipatory action, forecast-based action, and Early action.

Anticipatory: In anticipation of a shock, includes forecast-based but also actions taken after shock. Goal is to prevent a shock from developing into a full-scale crisis.

Forecast-based: before a shock strikes, based on a forecast (usually extreme weather related event)

Early Action: Humanitarian/emergency response early in a crisis, earlier than scaling-up humanitarian response. Usually after anticipatory action but not always.


Evaluate the credibility of the following Source

Excerpt from Slobodan Milošević's Speech (1989)

"No one should dare to beat you. No one should dare to attack you. The time has come to take steps towards ensuring that all Serbs live in one state. We will not allow our people to be mistreated."

Source: Slobodan Milošević, 1989

Values: Being a primary source, it provides us with a first-hand account of an individual we know not only witnessed the event but took part in it. It gives us a clear picture of the Serbian perspective and how propaganda was used to mobilize support for the genocide against the Bosnian Muslims.

Limitations: The details of the type of mistreatment or "beating" the speaker is referring to is not provided as well as well as the "steps towards ensuring that all Serbs live in one state." Leaving these out is thought to be intentional to serve the purpose of scapegoating the Bosnian Muslims.

Opinion: The clear bias towards the Serbians at the expense of other ethnic/religious groups as well as the clear evidence of propaganda and scapegoating make this source's credibility weakened despite it being a primary source. More sources need to be referred to from this time period to better grasp the details of the event at hand.


Buyers of your product X get higher paying jobs. (product X)

Change in Demand or Quantity Demanded (100)

Shift in Curve or Movement Along Curve   (100)                                                                                          

Determinant or relevant change: ____________________                       (100)

Graph                                                  (200)

What is Change in Demand; Shift in Curve (right); Income


Use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to understand the Poverty Cycle and why it is difficult for individuals to escape it.


Where there is economic inequality, individuals and communities struggle to meet fundamental (physiological) needs due to low incomes, limited employment opportunities, and insufficient access to essential resources.

• This often results in a determined focus on survival, leaving little capacity for economic growth and social development.

• Moreover, safety needs, such as personal security, financial stability, and access to healthcare, are compromised due to the lack of economic opportunities and resources, further cementing individuals in the poverty cycle.


Explain how the Horn of Africa famine is a result of political failure/lack of political will as opposed to just a failure to warning signs.

• A decade after governments, donors and aid organizations said they would not let famine return, 181 million people are forecast to be in crisis levels and above of hunger.

• It is a failure to address conflict, to open humanitarian access, to act with the urgency needed on the climate crisis, to shift power to local organizations and to provide the resources we know are necessary to address poverty and prevent crises.
