To lessen in severity is to A...
Lost in a dream like state R...
to assuage
what is reverie
Four main themes in Romeo and Juliet.
What is : Love, hate
Death, fate
This year, Mimii Ngulube and Josh Oyinsan became the first black couple to win on this dating show?
What is Love Island?
It's a noun - ending in -tion
for one's enlightenment or understanding
(Hint- think of the inventor of the lightbulb, Mr. Edison)
I ride my horse through fields of grass and hay.
The name of this form of line rythem - two names that mean the same thing.
What is imabic pentameter or blank verse
Buyer did this of artist Mauizio Cattelan's Comedian piece after buying it for $6.24 million.
When "my dog ate my homework" It's ....
Described as a person making claims with little basis for truth. Hint: woof woof
I ________ your attempts at friendship. I turn away from cheaters and liars.
What is plausible
what is dogmatic
What is to spurn
Three inventors // creators who attribute part of their success to solitude
What is Tesla
Steve Jobs
highest grossing Disney/Pixar film about a teenage girl navigating the emotional turbulence of adolescence.
WHat is Inside Out 2
Like godzilla as one's fighting opponent. The creature is a ____ enemy.
My plany is dying from lack of water. It is ...
I am _______ed in problems. And my new shoes got muddy.
People are ____ and are prone to making mistakes. We are not perfect;we are ....
What is moribund
What is mire
What is fallible
Excessive pride - we saw it "in action" in Antigone
A cleansing of emotions- as in having a good cry.
What is Hamartia
What is Cathartic
The CEO of this nation wide restaurant chain blamed its filing for bankruptcy on a $20 "endless shrimp" promotion.
Microsoft announced a deal to restart a reactor at this nuclear plant - the site of the nation's worst meltdown in 1979, to power its data centers.
What is Red Lobster
What is Three Mile Island?
The Little Prince is this type of story
Represents things one needs to take care of before becoming problematic
Reprents love, caring
What is an allegory
What are the volcanoes
What is the rose
What is the fox
The inauguration taking place on this date
He will be this number President of the US
What is January 20
What is 47th President