The number of EAs in the class
Her favorite five Cs
Coffee, chocolate, cats, children, Clooney
This student loves hockey cards
Which female student has the most brothers?
Ms Hamilton has three cats named after the characters in this movie.
Wizard of Oz
How do we start our week?
Kindness circle
Ms Hamilton's BFF
Mrs. L. LeBlanc
Who is awesome at dirt bike racing?
Dustin Burbridge
How many students are in our classroom?
Many people believe cats have this many lives.
Take the total number of students in grade four and divide that number by 3 and then add 10.
Recently Ms Hamilton attended a special ceremony in the theater at the museum in Market Square to become this.
Canadian Citizen
Which student in grade four loves basketball and has a little brother in grade one.
Andrew Rigby
Ms Moriarty's favorite bird
This cat was always trying to catch Tweety bird.
The special project completed by the grade four students that was featured at our school's art show.
Animal sculptures in their habitats.
The names of Ms Hamilton's children
Ryan and Diana
This popular card game will help students master their sight words.
Princess Go-Fish Word Game
Ms Drummond's favorite farm animal.
What is the name of Owen's cat?
The total number of post cards received by the class this year.
The name Ms Hamilton gave her car when she first bought it.
What three games do we play in a circle in the classroom?
Shazam, Prime Minister's Cat, Going on a Trip
Whose dad was a professional goalie for eleven years?
How many people in the class have a cat as a pet?