I need a report...
It's Great to Calculate
Standards and Secondary - Shared Options
P-P-Post It
Train that Teacher

To list missing assignments for all students in the entity.

Gradebook > Reports > Student Assignments


True or False: If a gradebook is using category weighting and there are no assignments entered for a certain category, that category will factor into the term grade at 0%, negatively affecting the student's grade.

False - That category's assigned percent will automatically be redistributed among the categories that DO have assignments.


These allow a teacher to assign just some students in a class to a different grading scale than the rest.

Special Grade Mark Groups


This grade bucket, if used, can be configured to auto post once a day, once a week, or once a month.

Athletic bucket


If a teacher wishes to print class rosters for all of her classes at once, she can use this button.

Reports for All Classes


To print Secondary Progress Reports from Student Management and post them to the Portfolio to display in Family Access.

Gradebook > Secondary > Reports > Secondary Progress Report Letter


These allow a teacher to replace a student's calculated grade with a different grade mark, and are usually entered towards the end of the grading period.

Grade Mark Overrides


One of these could be configured to automatically check the Missing or No Count box when entered on an assignment or event.

Special Codes


Neither auto post nor the Posting Utility will post grades for this type of student, although the teacher may manually post their grades.

Dropped student


This feature that can be displayed on the teacher's Home tab is an easy way to access the gradebook or take attendance for each class.

Teacher Quick Access widget


To print a list of Classes that do not have a Gradebook.

Teacher Tracking > Reports > Gradebook Usage Report

This standards calculation option allows teachers to score events with a grade mark instead of points, if they so choose.

Scores Earned in Events


An optional feature, these can be set up to allow teachers to color-code assignments/events based on the students' scores to more easily see if students are performing to expected levels.

Performance Levels


Turning on this option may help troubleshoot changes to subject and skill grades.

Standards > Configuration > Posting Entity Setup > Always Log Grade Changes for Subjects and Skills 


The district must purchase an extra license to use this feature, which allows teachers to set up online discussions or digital hand-ins.

Course Learning Center


To print a progress report for the students I teach showing their grades in all classes (not just the classes I teach).

Enhanced Multi-Class Progress Report


Teachers can be allowed to raise or lower a student's grades including skill, subject, term, semester, or final grades by entering one of these.

Grade Adjustment


This handy tab allows a teacher to score all assignments/events for the current grading period for all students in the class, on one screen.

Quick Grading or Quick Scoring


Grade change requests for these types of grades actually do not need to be approved - the grades will post automatically when the request is submitted.

Skill and subject grades


A teacher can score all assignments for one student for the current term on this screen.

Student name hyperlink > Assignments > Edit Current Term


To help troubleshoot how grades are calculating in the gradebook.

Progress Detail Report


If this box is checked on an assignment/event, the assignment/event will not factor into the student's grade.

No Count

Teachers may choose to keep track of notes or communications with students/parents within this area of the gradebook.

Teacher's Log


Since comments can be entered at any point during the grading period and will post to Student Management as soon as they are entered, a school may wish to configure this area to prevent the comments from displaying until a later date.

Posting Entity Setup > Grading Comment Options


If a teacher plans to create an online assignment template they wish to use again in the future, they will need to create it within this area.

Other Access > Online Assignment Templates