Types of Support Details
Supporting Details
Determine the Main Idea
Types of Support Details
Name the Source of Evidence

What is the main idea of a text?

The main idea is the central point. What the text is mostly about. 


What is a supporting detail?

Information that tells more about the main idea.

What is the main idea?

In order for your body to work and grow, it needs instructions. These instructions come from "genes." Genes tell your cells what to do and when to do it. They determine everything from the color of your eyes to the beat of your heart. These are also know as "genetic traits."

Genes are easy to change.

Genes control many things in our bodies.

Genes have been studied for centuries. 


Genes control many things in our bodies.

True or False

Authors use only one (1) type of detail to develop their main idea.



According to the Center for Veterinary Research, once someone is bitten by an animal infected with rabies, the chances of contracting rabies depends on how deep the bite is, how far it is from the head, and how advanced the virus was in the infected animal. .

Expert Statement


Where is main idea generally found. 

The topic sentence.


Before you can identify supporting details, you must..

Determine the main idea.


What is the main idea of this paragraph

Did you know that your brain is always working? Even when you are asleep, your brain is telling your body what to do. Part of your brain and your nervous system never rests. This part of the nervous system digests food, keeps the heart beating, breathes, and makes tears and sweat. All of these activities keep you alive. Your brain does a lot without you thinking about it.  

Your brain does a lot without you thinking about it.  


How many different types of details do authors use?

Four (4)


For instance, animals or humans with rabies may begin to exhibit aggressive or erratic behavior.



What is the last sentence of a paragraph called?

The concluding sentence. 


What is another term for supporting details?

Key details. 


Who Can Survive Without Bones?
Written by Juliana Sartor

When you touch your knee or your elbow, you feel something hard through your skin. These hard spots are actually your bones!…

Based on the title, which is a possible main topic of this text?

something that makes bones

something that breaks bones

something that doesn't need bones

Something that doesn't need bones


List 3 types of evidence authors use. 



Expert Knowledge/Statement



Among humans bitten by a rabid animals, 15 to 20% will become infected with the disease if they do not receive prompt post-exposure treatment.



If the main idea is not given in the topic or concluding sentences, what should you look for?

Repeated ideas.


Michael Johnson was a very good athlete. He was a sprinter. Sprinting is running a short distance really fast. He won four gold medals for America in the Olympics between 1992 and 2000. He won eight gold medals in the World Championships between 1991 and 1999. He is tied with Carl Lewis for most gold medals won by any runner. 

The main idea of this text is that Michael Johnson was a great athlete. Which of the following is a reason that helps support this main idea?

He won four gold medals in the Olympics.

Carl Lewis was friends with Michael Johnson.

Sprinting is running a short distance really fast.

He won four gold medals in the Olympics.


When you touch your knee or your elbow, you feel something hard through your skin. These hard spots are actually your bones! Your bones make up your skeleton. Many animals also have skeletons. However, there are some creatures who do not have bones. These creatures are called “invertebrates.”

Based on the first paragraph, which is the best possible main topic of this text?

Invertebrates are animals like you.

Invertebrates have bones, but not skeletons.

Invertebrates are animals who do not have bones.

Invertebrates are animals who do not have bones. 


What are statistics ?

Facts in the form of numbers.


There has been a 60% decline in the number of people traveling. 



True or False

You should not try to identify what the text is about until you are finish reading ?



A dragonfly has a very unique look. It is a flying insect. It has two pairs of wings. Their wings are clear and strong. A dragonfly also has large eyes. The eyes look like big balls. The dragonfly has six tiny legs, too. Have you ever seen a dragonfly soaring through the air? 

The main idea is a dragonfly looks very interesting.

Which of the following is a reason that helps support the main idea of this paragraph?

Have you ever seen a dragonfly?

It is a flying insect.

A dragonfly has a unique look.

Their wings are clear and strong. 

Their wings are clear and strong. 


The Brain: Working Hard When You Are Hardly Working

Written by Katie Plemmons

Did you know that your brain is always working? Even when you are asleep, your brain is telling your body what to do.…

Based on the title, which is a possible main topic of this text? 

1. something that keeps the brain from resting

2. how the brain works

3. something that helps the brain stay healthy

How the brain works.


What are expert statements?

Information from a knowledgeable source.


Americans today consume more calories and fast food than ever before.

