When set to Sheets, this field excludes the section from Auto Post.
Grading Method
Used to determine the number of ways a GPA may be printed or reported, up to 9 of these can be created.
GPA Methods
A PDF version of the Credit History Integrity Audit utility's preview screen.
Credit History Audit
These determine when grades can be posted from the gradebook.
Grade Input Start and End Dates
Entered on the Transcript tab, these can be used to print a note specific to the student on the transcript.
Transcript Notes
This configuration must be enabled in order to change one student's earned credits in a current class to a different value than what is set on the course.
Audit/Variable Credits
A separate one of these is needed for each different GPA point value that the same grade mark can have.
This report is often used to troubleshoot a student's GPA calculation.
Grade History
This grade bucket can be configured to post an updated grade once a day, once a week, or once a month.
Athletic grade bucket
This button allows a custom transcript template to be uploaded into Skyward from SkyDoc to use as a starting point instead of building a template from scratch.
Import Layout
If set to Yes for a student, this field may result in two students with different GPAs being ranked as the same number.
The amount of GPA credits that should be entered on a course that does NOT count towards GPA.
The three grading reports that can print grades from the gradebook that have not yet been posted.
Grading and Attendance Analysis, Academic Eligibility, and Flex Report
This option should be selected on a trimester course length that is set up within a 2 semester/4 term grading setup.
Use Control Set Dates in place of Grading Period dates in Gradebook
The regular transcript can print up to this many grade buckets.
This box can be checked to prevent one class for one student from printing on the report card and transcript.
Do Not Include Class On Report Card/Transcript
This field on the grade marks would be used to "grandfather" certain grade levels into one GPA point scale when changing the scale for other grade levels.
High graduation year
The Student Rank report must be run with this option checked in order to print rank on transcripts.
Update rank info to student master
These buckets must be used in order to use Skyward's standards gradebook or the ATH bucket.
Term grade buckets
If the custom transcript is not printing some or all of a student's classes, this object property is likely unchecked.
The GPA set and credits that will be awarded are set at the course level, unless this option is enabled which allows these values to be set at the section level instead.
Allow Override of GPA Credits at Course Section Level
An optional feature, additional points that are added to a student's GPA after the GPA calculation is done.
Bonus or add-on GPA
This report can be used at the end of a grading period to find students who are missing posted grades in any class.
Selected Grades Report
These determine how many of each type of grade will be given in a course.
Grade sets
If the regular transcript is not printing an entire grade level of students, this area on the template likely needs to be updated.
Graduation Year/Credits