What is a food that a monkey will eat?
A Banana
What body part do you use to play pad-i-cake?
your hands!
This animal has long ears and likes vegetables!
a rabbit
What is fun to do in the summer?
Go swimming!
What is your favorite tv show??
What color is an orange?
Its a cat!
Is there snow in the summer?
This character has a carrot for a nose....
What game is it where you need to go hide?
Hide and seek!
What favorite is a dog and has a sister named "Bingo"?
What fruit grows on trees?
What sound does a dog make?
bark bark!
What place has a lot of water and is warm?
The pool!
What is brown and tastes sweet?
What game is it where you draw on the ground with chalk and hop around?
Hop scotch!
What animal makes a loud "roar" sound?
A tiger or lion!
What is the movie with a princess in it that can turn anything into ice?