What is the minimum GPA you must have in order to graduate?
You must complete 4 years of advisory (8 semesters), what happens if you do not pass a semester? How do you make up those credits?
You will owe 25.5 hours of community service per semester failed.
How many years of History is required to meet the a-g requirement?
What website can you go to to find updated and current information regarding BHA?
Who is super amazing?
My Connect Crew Leader!
How many combined credits must you have in order to be eligible for graduation?
Students must complete exhibitions all four years. At Ben Holt, our exhibitions are PSSP's. What does PSSP stand for?
Post Secondary Success Plan
How many years of English is required to meet the a-g requirement?
Who is your academic counselor?
Ms. Jobe- Last Name A-M
Ms. Thomas- Last Name N-Z
Seniors- Ms. Lazo
AT BHA, we have a program in place that offers additional support to students who are struggling in course work. What is this program called?
Aside from the completion of a-g's you must also complete these two courses:
Government & Economics
Students must take college entrance exams before graduation. Which exams do students take AT BHA 2x during their junior year?
ACT. SAT registration is done with Ms. Lazo during the spring of your junior year. Students are responsible for the fees associated with SAT exams.
How many years of Math is required to meet the a-g requirement?
3; Int Math 1, Int Math 2, & Int Math 3
Who is our Dean of Students?
Mr. Worley
All students should have access to this program to view current grades:
PowerSchool/ Student
What are a-g courses?
- courses that you must take and pass to be eligible for graduation
- Courses that must be completed with a c- or higher in order to be eligible to apply to a university
- "core classes"
All seniors, regardless of secondary pathway, must complete _____ college applications and be accepted into _____ 4-year university.
3; 1
Students must complete 2 years of science to meet the a-g requirement. What sciences are available at BHA to meet the physical & biological req?
Biological: Biology
For questions regarding academic eligibility, sports, clubs, or even scheduling of classes- who should you contact?
Your Dean of Students, Mr. Worley
Aside from passing grades on a transcript, what else do colleges look for during the selection process?
- Community Involvement
- Extracurriculars (sports, clubs, hobbies, etc.).
- Volunteer Service
- Being involved in external advancement programs
Do students have to take the California High School Exit Exam prior to graduation?
It's no longer a requirement.
Students are required to fill out the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act? T or F
True. Unless you receive a waiver from the counseling department.
How many a-g courses must you completed by the time you hit senior year?
11 of the 15 in order to be eligible to apply to college.
Mr. Frakes is our Principal. Who are the 2 assistant principals at BHA?
Mrs. Macumber and Mrs. Renee
In order to find out additional information regarding leadership programs, college visits, community service, and other educational opportunities, you should follow this IG page____________.