British Columbia
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How many ways are there to graduate in British Columbia?
What is 4, or soon to be 3 with the elimination of the GED.
How many credits are required to earn a certificate of high school achievement (in either English or French)?
What is: A minimum of 80 credits
This is the standard diploma awarded to students in Quebec high schools.
What is a Secondary School Diploma (SSD)?
The length of this program is 12 years for every province except Quebec.
What is the length of primary education in Canada?
In British Columbia, students must complete ___ credits of elective courses in order to graduate.
What is 28.
What is the name of the most common diploma given after students meet grad requirements?
What is the dogwood.
How many different ways are there to graduate High School in Alberta?
What is:There are currently six different ways to graduate: Alberta High School Diploma (English or French) Certificate of High School Achievement (English or French) Certificate of Achievement Certificate of School Completion Alberta High School Diploma as a Mature Student High School Equivalency Diploma
The Quebec Ministry of Education is pushing students to consider this diploma instead of the Secondary School Diploma (SSD).
What is a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS)?
This is the total percentage of working-age Canadians that have graduated from high school in Canada.
What is 80%
Non-graduated adults need to take this many courses in the adult program to earn their Adult Dogwood. Hint, it's the same number of heads that Fluffy has.
What is 3 courses
What is another name for School Completion Certificate?
What is the Evergreen Certificate.
In earning a High School Diploma what are the differences in requirements when receiving a High School Diploma in French, compared to the requirements to receive a High School Diploma in English?
What is: The main difference between the two is that for the Francophone variation there is the requirement of Francais level 30, as well as English Language Arts Level 30.
These public colleges function as a stepping stone for high school students wishing to enter university or a trade.
What is CEGEP?
Which 'way' of graduating is the same for all the provinces?
What is Graduation as a mature student (even if the wording differs slightly in some provinces).
While rarely used, this is what the CEGEP acronym actually stands for.
What is collège d'enseignement général et professionnel
What is the minimum amount of credits a student must obtain before being able to graduate?
What is 80 credits.
Which of the graduating options is tailored for students enrolled in knowledge and employability courses.
What is Certificate of High School Achievement (English or French)
In this cycle, students must decide which high school diploma they want to work toward.
What is cycle two?
These many students graduated public school in Canada in the school 2011/2012.
What is 80%
Students in BC must complete this number credits in grade 12 level courses in order to graduate.
What is 16 credits
The Ministry of Education is phasing out which graduation program in 2014-2015?
What is the Passport to Education.
Who is the Certificate of School Completion usually awarded to?
What is It is usually awarded to students with significant cognitive delays who meet the qualification criteria
Students who graduate from a CEGEP will have one of these 2-3 year diplomas allowing entrance to a university or trades career.
What is a Diploma of College Studies (DCS)?
This person would make only 80% of a comparable income.
What is the income of a Canadian who has not graduated from high school compared to someone who has?
Explain what Knowledge and Employability courses are
What is These courses are designed for students to acquire employability skills