Category 1
Modules Category 2
Modules Category 3
Random Trivia #1
Random Trivia #2

What modules addressed the importance of listening? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Communication and Conflict Resolution 


What module addressed the concept of, an activity or interests pursued for pleasure or relation and not usually your main occupation? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology



What module addressed power words (achieved, created, produced, reached, enacted, stimulated, and visualized)? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Employable Skills 


During the origami activity during the changing habits module, what figure did we make? 

A Turtle 


How many stages are in the grief cycle? 

5 stages (shock and denial, anger, depression and detachment, dialogue and bargaining, and acceptance) 


What module addressed the benefits of Journaling? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Stress Management 


What module talked about the importance of body language? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Social Skills 


What modules addressed different places to live (house, apartment, townhouse, duplex, and public housing)? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Home Management 


What is the name of this yoga pose that we did in a couple of the modules? 



What is the name of this person? 

Mr. Krabs 


What modules touch on the following topics? Christianity, Islam, Atheism, Agnosticism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology



What module touched on the processing of the loss of a loved one, death of a pet, breakup in a relationship, losing a job, and more? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Grief Management 


What modules talked about the importance of uber, lyft, the STARS system (bussing), and cabs? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology



True or False? A person needs to have a religion to be spiritual. 



Name two types of cleaning products/items that can be used in the kitchen. 

All purpose cleaner, Oven cleaner, dishwasher soap, dishwashing soap, dish sponges, and broom. 


What modules addressed the following activities? Stretching, Strengthening, balance, cardio, dance, yoga, kickball, and tug-a-war

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Exercise and Physical Fitness


What module addressed the issues of negative behaviors and triggers? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Changing Habits 


What modules addressed the different types of learners that people can be (Visual, auditory, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary)? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology



What does SMART goal stand for? 







What does either the ACT or SAT stand for? 

ACT - American College Test 

SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test 


What module now has people looking at the trans fat on food labels that they eat? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology



What module talked about banking, checking and saving accounts, and budgets? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Financial Literacy 


What module addressed the topics of politics and the COVID-19? 

List of Modules: stress management, communication & conflict resolution, spirituality, goal settings, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, social participation, grief management, changing habits, financial literacy, employable skills, home management, transportation, education, and current events & technology

Current Events and Technology 


What are the main 5 food groups? 

Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Dairy


What is the name of this insect? 

Murder Hornets 
