The possessive form of I.
What is mine?
This prefix means "before."
What is pre?
A simile must contain one of these two words.
What is like or as?
"Drive me home" is this type of sentence.
What is a command?
Groups of words that describe a noun or pronoun and has a subject and verb.
What are adjective clauses?
A word that replaces the subject in a sentence.
What is a subjective pronoun?
The prefix in the word "interchange".
What is inter?
The repetition of the same sound.
What is alliteration?
These sentences end with question marks.
What is interrogative?
These adjectives always require capital letters.
What are adjectives formed from proper nouns?
The words "me, you, him, her, and us" are called.
What are objective pronouns?
The prefix that means between or among.
What is inter?
The repetition of consonant sounds.
What is consonance?
This must happen every time a new speaker says something.
What is indenting a new paragraph?
The abbreviation " prep" means this.
What is preposition?
These pronouns are not specific nor do they have specified amounts.
What are indefinite pronouns?
This prefix means against or opposed.
What is anti?
When human qualities describe something non-human.
What is personification?
This part of speech joins two independent clauses.
What is a conjunction?
True or False: Bill and Ted's adventure means that they went on separate trips.
The reflexive pronoun in the sentence, "The students can introduce themselves."
What is themselves?
A prologue is found.
What is the start of a book or before chapter 1.
Words or phrases repeated at the start of consecutive phrases or sentences.
What is anaphora?
"We saw many birds" flying in the air is this part of the sentence.
What is the complete subject?
This marking puts emphasis on the words following it; it may also show a thought cut-off.
What is a dash?