Tener fiebre
Have a fever
-I’m not feeling very well, so i’ll….
Take medicine
have an accident
Call an ambulance
I was cutting fruits and then I
Cut mi finger
”I am happy” she said
She said she was happy
Ser doloroso
Be painful
I dont know what to take, i should
Ask the pharmacist
Cut my finger
Put a plaster on
I was running in the park, I fell and I
Twisted my ankle
“I have a big dog” Tom said
Tom says he had a big dog
subir por las escaleras
Take the stairs
I think I need to see a doctor, but I can move…
Call an ambulance
have fever
Take medicine
I had an accident
”We are watching TV” Lisa told me
Lisa told me they were watching TV
Hacer volteretas
Do cartwheels
I want to have healthier habits so I’ll
Eat a varied diet
Be painful
Lie down
When I broke my bone it
Was painful
“I dont like carrots because they taste bad” Mark said
Mark said he didnt like carrots because they taste bad
Hacer un nuevo deporte
Take up a new sport
My parents said I spent too much time on my phone so they have
Limit my screen time
Break a bone
Get a cast
My parents said I didnt do things at home so now I
Help around the house
“My mum bakes cakes, and my dad is fixes cars” Emily said
Emily said that her mum baked cakes and her dad fixed cars.