Common Mix-ups

He said it was faster than trying to decode my texts, I didn’t understand what he meant until a few days later.

How should the punctuation in the sentence be fixed?

He said it was faster than trying to decode my texts, but I didn’t understand what he meant until a few days later.

He said it was faster than trying to decode my texts; I didn’t understand what he meant until a few days later.


What did you think of the groups choices?

Is this sentence correct or incorrect?

What did you think of the group's choices?


“Let’s/Lets start back,” said Mr. Arseno.

Which version is correct?

Let’s start back,” said Mr. Arseno.

Let's is short for "Let us"


I put my hands up into the air and shouted

"‘Scuse me, ‘scuse me, may I have everybody’s attention please?”

What punctuation should introduce dialogue?

I put my hands up into the air and shouted:


I really like to drink soda using spiral straws/straw's.

Which version is correct?

I really like to drink soda using spiral straws.


My mom (lets/let's) me play that game.

Which version is correct?

My mom lets me play that game.

Lets is another word for "allows".


I had to pay off my full balance every month at least two days before it was due failure to do so would mean that I had to give up the credit card.

There should be a semicolon in this sentence. What word should it follow? 

I had to pay off my full balance every month at least two days before it was due; failure to do so would mean that I had to give up the credit card.


Along the way they spotted an old mine shaft, which their dad wouldn’t let them enter due to safety concerns, but just outside (its/it's) opening, they saw something.

Which version in the parentheses is the correct one?

its opening


 Soon, the time came to depart for (their/there) week in the mountains. As the two families caravaned into the Rockies, they noticed (there/their) was still snow on the peaks. 

Which versions are correct?

Soon, the time came to depart for their week in the mountains. As the two families caravaned into the Rockies, they noticed there was still snow on the peaks. 

When you're trying to remember which version to use, remember that "there" has "here" in it, and they both mean "place". 


Whatever it was, one day I found myself fleeing from a sighting of the brothers, and suddenly I was brought up short by an appalling vision me running away forever.

There should be a colon in this sentence. What word should it follow?

Whatever it was, one day I found myself fleeing from a sighting of the brothers, and suddenly I was brought up short by an appalling vision: me running away forever.


Then the front legs waved, took hold, and, pulling (its/it's) small, sodden body up, it began the immense task of cleaning the ink from (its/it's) wings.




Teens shouldn’t have to wait until (they’re/their/there) 18 to get tattoos.

Which version is correct?

Teens shouldn’t have to wait until they’re 18 to get tattoos.

They're is short for "they are"


When I woke up moments later, the kids were gone just the cans of shaving cream and empty plastic bags were left behind.

What punctuation should be added to fix this sentence?

When I woke up moments later, the kids were gone; just the cans of shaving cream and empty plastic bags were left behind.


In the year XK142, after the last human being died of it's own destruction, the life they left behind — are life— came together as one.

There are 2 errors in this sentence. Fix them.

In the year XK142, after the last human being died of its own destruction, the life they left behind — our life — came together as one.


(They're/Their/There) bodies were tensed in human expressions of anger.

Which version is correct?

Their bodies were tensed in human expressions of anger.
