What part of speech is a person, place or thing?
What is a noun?
A word that is a person, place, thing, or idea.
What is a verb?
Expresses action (the do)
or state of being.
What does fixable mean?
able to fix
Past Tense Verb
cried or cryed
What part of speech shows action ("the do")?
What is the noun(s) in the following sentence? The hyper puppy was full of energy.
puppy energy
Find the verb(s): Eleanor and Henry love to play the violin.
What does beautiful mean?
full of beauty
Past Tense Verb
begged or beged
What part of speech describes a noun?
What is the noun in the following sentence? He is going to go to the football game.
Find the verb: Kelly Elementary students play hard at recess.
What does squishy mean?
What does spicy mean?
having alot of squish
having a lot of spice
Present tense verb
gos or goes
What part of speech takes the place of a noun?
What is the difference between a common and a proper noun?
A common noun is a General/Basic term for a person, place, or thing. A proper noun is the name of a SPECIFIC person, place, or thing.
He eats at the table.
Make the verb future tense.
He will eat at the table.
It was a moonless summer night.
Word with suffix?
no moon or without moon
Walk...present, past, future
Walks, walked, will walk
What is the part of speech connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentence with and, or, but,....?
Give an example of a common noun and a proper noun.
Did you get it?!?
Dad (uses, used, will use) the computer.
Past tense
Dad used the computer.
Cars have become the most acceptable way to travel.
Suffix? Meaning?
able can be accepted
Define prehistory
before history