
Name all of the nouns in this sentence.

Molly went to the park to play soccer.

Molly, park, and soccer


Name the action verbs in this sentence.

Sam ran to the store to get milk.



Name all the adjectives in this sentence.

Michael walked down a dirty sidewalk to get to his new house.

dirty and new


Name the adverbs in this sentence.

He slowly walked to school so he didn't make it early.

slowly and early


Name all of the prepositions in this sentence.

Carla rode her bike down the main street over the bike's lane.

down and over


Name all of the nouns in this sentence.

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

creep, weirdo and hell 


Name the action verbs in this sentence.

The mice quietly crawled past the sleeping cat.



Name all the adjectives in this sentence.

The shiny diamond glittered in the bright sunlight coming through the kitchen window.

shiny, bright, and kitchen


Name adverb in this sentence.

Even though she was late, she was walking lazily, for the fierce April sun was directly overhead.

late, lazily and directly


Name all of the prepositions in this sentence.

We took a walk across the park and then along the beach.

across and along


Name all of the nouns in this sentence

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather

eye, angel skin and feather


Name the verbs in this sentence.

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather

were, couldn't, look, are, makes, cry and float 


Name all the adjectives in this sentence.

The colorful roller coaster sped around the curvy, hilly track, going up and down incredible high steeps. It was so thrilling! 

colorful, curvy, hilly, incredible, high and thrilling


Name the adverbs in this text.

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry

here and just


Name all of the prepositions in this sentence.

The bus went through a tunnel, next onto a bridge and then around a beautiful lake. It was very amusing.

through, onto and around


Name all of the nouns in this sentence.

Danny rode to town in his bright red Ford pickup truck. He went shopping for groceries and then he drove by the carwash. 

Danny, town, truck, shopping, groceries, and carwash.


Name all the verbs in this sentence.

Elephants love to play in the water as hippos are crazy about wallowing in mud.

love, play, are, and wallowing


Name all the adjectives in this text.

When slaves were brought to America from Africa, they brought their musical traditions with them. Blended with folk and popular music of whites, these African musical traditions developed into the blues.

musical, folk, popular and African


Name adverb in this text.

The Paris police soon arrived at the scene, where Madame Charente, the dead man's wife, who had already reported her husband as missing, could positively identify the body.

soon, already and positively


Name all of the prepositions in this text.

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry

before, in and like


Name all of the nouns in this sentence.

Tornadoes are storms with rapidly rotating winds that form a funnel cloud. Also known as "twisters," they extend downward from the huge clouds of a severe thunderstorm.

Tornadoes, storms, winds, cloud(s), twisters, and thunderstorm


Name the action verbs in this text.

The winds that rotate within a tornado usually reach a speed of almost 300 miles per hour! A tornado often sweeps through an area quickly, but it can cause considerable destruction.

rotate, reach, sweeeps, and cause


Name all the adjectives in this text.

The blues is believed to have originated in the Mississippi Delta, a wedge-shaped region in northern Mississippi between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers. This is a rural area where the poorest and most disadvantaged black people lived

wedge-shaped, rural, poorest, disadvantaged and black


Name the adverbs in this text.

People often have their meals along with the drinks, I mean, they consume both simultaneously. I prefer to eat first and then have the drink all at once. I love it that way!

often, along, simultaneously, first and then


Name all of the prepositions in this text.

The virus has spread throughout the country. Tomorrow at noon, The President will give new information about it. By far, nothing has been effective against the virus according to scientists.

throughout, at, about, by, against and according to
