Quotation Marks
Apostrophes 1
Apostrophes 2
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True or False: Quotation Marks are used to set off all exact words of a speaker or writer.
True or False: An apostrophe does not take the place of one or more missing letters in a contraction.
False. An apostrophe takes the place of one or more missing letters in a contraction.
Place the apostrophe: When the story about the Smith family was published in the newspaper, Ashleys class decided to do something to help.
When the story about the Smith family was published in the newspaper, Ashley's class decided to do something to help.
Place the apostrophe: "You will either love or hate the movies surprise ending."
"You will either love or hate the movie's surprise ending."
Correct: Our house is very crowded, four generations of my family live together under one roof.
Our house is very crowded since four generations of my family live together under one roof.
Place the quotation marks: Sue Gord's novel The Visitors ends with the line, We will never give up!
..., "We will never give up!"
True or False: An apostrophe shows that something belongs to someone or something.
Place the apostrophe: Bryan and his family are very grateful; theyre planning to use most of the money to pay bills.
Bryan and his family are very grateful; they're planning to use most of the money to pay bills.
Correct the comma splice: The sun was shining brightly, I didn't bring a jacket.
The sun was shining brightly, so I didn't bring a jacket.
Correct: The donut looks shriveled, has a gross smell, and tastes awful.
The donut looks shriveled, smells gross, and tastes awful.
Put in the quotation marks: I'm sorry to tell you, the teacher said to Buddy, but we are closing for the evening.
"I'm sorry to tell you," the teacher said to Buddy, "but we are closing for the evening."
An apostrophe that is used to show that something belongs to someone is called..
Place the apostrophe: Since the Osborns received numerous donations, theyll be able to have a Merry Christmas.
Since the Osborns received numerous donations, they'll be able to have a Merry Christmas.
Correct the run on: The little girl climbed to the top of the slide she was afraid to go down.
The little girl climbed to the top of the slide, but she was afraid to go down.
Correct: Sasha either plays basketball at the park or lifting weights at the gym.
Sasha either plays basketball at the park or lifts weights at the gym.
Put in the quotation marks: Our supervisor is awesome, said Logan. He let us off early yesterday!
"Our supervisor is awesome," said Logan. "He let us off early yesterday!"
Won't is a contraction for what two words?
Will + not
Place the apostrophe: Students are not allowed in the teachers lounge.
Students are not allowed in the teachers' lounge.
The burglar alarm went off three men raced away from the store.
The burglar alarm went off, and three men raced away from the store.
Correct: On a busy highway, traveling too slow is almost as bad as to travel too fast.
On a busy highway, traveling too slow is almost as bad as traveling too fast.
Correct the punctuation: We are who we are, wrote pop singer/songwriter Kesha.
"We are who we are," wrote pop singer/songwriter Kesha.
What is a contraction? (not the labour kind)
A word formed by combining two or more words, leaving some letters out.
Place the apostrophe(s): The houses windows havent been replaced in years.
The house's windows haven't been replaced in years.
Correct: The water began to boil, I added ears of corn.
When the water began to boil, I added ears of corn.
Correct: On hot days I close the windows, turn on the fans, and am complaining a lot.
On hot days I close the windows, turn on the fans, and complain a lot.