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Terms and Conditions
Jumblayaha Hallejuah
Say something that happened to you. You may or may not include the agent.
examples "I was given a new puppy for Christmas." "I was attacked by wild ducks." "I was made to play a Jeopardy game."
What classes have you been taking? What do you think about it?
example: I have been taking EAP0485C for five weeks.
What is something that you could do when you were younger. Give the reason.
I could play video games all day when I was younger because I had lots of free time.
Say any real situation using an if-clause and the result.
If it rains, I will stay inside.
If you could meet anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you want to meet?
I would want to meet David Lynch because his movies are really crazy and cool. I love his style.
What is something that has happened to someone else?
examples: Fernando and Bill were chosen to go to the Honor Roll Ceremony today. Russia was bombed by a terrorist earlier.
Ask someone on your team a question using the Present Perfect tense. Use a question word in your question (NOT yes/no) for full credit.
How many years have you studied English so far? I have studied English for about six years.
What is something that might happen in the New Year?
We might have some new teachers next term.
Say an UNreal condition and the possible result in the if-clause.
If I met Gareth today, I would tell him to stop eating babies.
What's something you want to do? Why do you want to do it?
I want to go to Italy to see the canals of Venice. It looks so beautiful.
Name an invention and where/when/by who was it made? (You don't have to use all, but at least one)
example: The iPhone was invented by Steve Jobs in 2007 in Cupertino, California.
Imagine you were working in a restaurant and you decided to quit. Why did you quit? (Use Past Perfect)
I had gotten tired of cleaning all the dishes. I had many bad experiences with my boss.
Use the phrasal modals of your choice in three sentences.
Gareth has to go to the Honor Roll ceremony. Bill is able to lift really heavy weights. Everyone decided to go and finish the class a little early today because of the New Year.
Say something in the past and you didn't do but wanted to.
If I had met Bill today, I could have told him to tell Gareth to stop eating babies.
You have a dead parrot. What do you do?
I would eat the parrot. I would try to sell the parrot back to the owner. The parrot could just be resting.
Say three things that happen in a workplace in the Passive Voice.
Meetings are held by companies. New products are marketed every year. Ridiculous amounts of money are exchanged by some of the largest companies.
It's the year 3000. What will have happened by that time? Be detailed and specific for full credit.
Humans will have found a different planet to live on by the year 3000.
Are somethings you forgot to do this year and what are things you could/should/supposed to do? Name more than four for full credit.
I should have met more people this year. I could have talked more slower so students could understand me better. I was supposed to go to Da Nang but I didn't because I was busy with work.
Ask a question to your teammates about something using a conditional. Other teammates will answer the questions.
What would you do if you ever met Gareth today? I would tell him hello because I don't know that he eats babies. Also I'd tell him to go to Honor Roll Ceremony.
We have zombies in the school. What can we do?
We can run away from the zombies. The zombies could eat the teachers, so we should leave them in the school.
Tell us about a movie you enjoy and use the passive voice in your explanation.
I love Star Wars. Star Wars is about a boy named Luke Skywalker. Luke is chosen by Obi-Wan to go on a dangerous mission against the Empire. The heroes are given many challenges, but in the end, the Empire is defeated by them.
BONUS FOR DOUBLE POINTS: Say two true things AND ONE LIE about yourself. If the other teams can guess the lie, you get normal credit. If the other teams don't guess correctly, DOUBLE POINTS!
I've made friends from Germany, Korea, Singapore and Russia. I've met many famous celebrities and shook hands with the director of my favorite anime TV show. I've eaten snake meat before.
Explain a problem that you have and have your classmates give you advice in both past and present.
You tell me!
Tell us some UNLIKELY wishes you have for the New Year. Subject + wish + could/would/past simple
I wish someone would give me $10 million. I wish I were younger. We all wish people could stop fighting pointless wars in countries.
Who is someone you admire? Why?
I admire Nelson Mandela because he was willing to fight for his beliefs and never gave up hope. He was one of our great leaders and I respect his ideals for racial equality.