Parts of Speech
Subject Verb Agreement
Run-on Sentence + Splice

What is the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence: 

Homework is important because it helps us practice the skills we learn in class. 

What is adjective


What type of subject corresponds with a singular verb? 

What is a singular subject?


Define an independent clause

can stand alone in a sentence and would be a complete sentence by itself, contains a subject and verb and a complete thought


What form of punctuation introduces elements in a list?

What is a colon


Define a run on sentence 

when two independent clauses are joined without any punctuation or conjunctions


What part of speech do adverbs modify? 

What is verbs, adjective, and other adverbs?


What is the subject of a sentence when you're talking about subject verb agreement?

The noun/pronouns that usually come at the beginning of the sentence that perform or receive the action


Is this an complete(independent clause) or incomplete sentence(dependent clause): 

When I was 10 



The form of punctuation that separates 2 independent clauses with the help of a coordinating conjunction. 

What is a comma?


Define a comma splice

Two independent clauses are joined with only a comma


What parts of speech are the italicized work? 

The trembling dog was cold because he was outside in the rain. 

What is adjective (trembling) and verb (was)? 


Correct this sentence: The dogs runs fast in the park.

The dogs run fast in the park. 


Identify the independent and dependent clause in this sentence: 

Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk.

Independent: We decided to go for a walk

Dependent: Although it was raining


A study published by Rice University geoscientist Ming Tang in 2019 offers a new explanation for the origin of Earth’s _______ structures called arcs, towering ridges that form when a dense oceanic plate subducts under a less dense continental plate, melts in the mantle below, and then rises and bursts through the continental crust above. 

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

 A) continents geological

 B) continents: geological 

C) continents; geological

D)  D) continents. Geological

B. continents: geological 


Is this a comma splice or a run on sentence?

I went to the store to buy some groceries and while I was there I saw a friend I hadn't seen in years we talked for a long time about everything that had happened since we last met and then I remembered I needed to get back home to finish my project that was due tomorrow so I hurried through the aisles but got distracted by the sales and ended up buying more than I had planned.

Run on sentence


What part of speech do you need to add to a sentence to correct a comma splice? 

What is a conjunction? 


Define a collective noun and is it generally used as a singular or plural?

A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group/multiple people, but it is used as a singular noun. 

Ex. The family, the school orchestra, the team 


Write a sentence with 2 independent clauses that correct conforms to the standards of grammar. 



Both Sona Charaipotra, an Indian American, and Dhonielle Clayton, an African American, grew up frustrated by the lack of diverse characters in books for young people. In 2011, these two writers joined forces to found CAKE Literary, a book packaging _______ specializes in the creation and promotion of stories told from diverse perspectives for children and young adults. 

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A) company, 

B) company that 

C) company 

D) company, that

B) company that


Identify whether this sentence is a run on or a comma splice, then correct it. 

I wanted to go for a walk, it was raining outside.


I wanted to go for a walk, but it was raining outside. 


Name all parts of italicized speech in the following sentence: 

I will get an A on this test. 

What is pronoun (I), verb (will, get), noun (A), preposition (on), adjective (this), noun (test)? 


Does this sentence have correct subject verb agreement: The family, and their neighbors, is on vacation for the entire holiday break. 



How many clauses are in this sentence and what type of clause are they: 

 "some we know to be dead even though they walk among us; some are not yet born though they go through all the forms of life; other are hundreds of years old though they call themselves thirty-six”

6 Clauses, 3 Independent + 3 dependent 

1. Independent: some we know to be dead

2. Independent: some are not yet born

3. Independent: other are hundreds of years old

4. Dependent: even though they walk among us

5. Dependent: though they go through all the forms of life

6. Dependent: though they call themselves thirty-six


In 2010, archaeologist Noel Hidalgo Tan was visiting the twelfth-century temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia when he noticed markings of red paint on the temple _______ the help of digital imaging techniques, he discovered the markings to be part of an elaborate mural containing over 200 paintings. 

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? 

A) walls, with 

B) walls with 

C) walls so with

D) walls. With

D) walls. With


Identify whether this sentence is a run on or a splice, and then correct it. 

She loves to paint in her free time it helps her relax and express her creativity while she listens to music or podcasts and sometimes she invites her friends over to join her.


She loves to paint in her free time. It helps he relax and express her creativity while she listens to music or podcasts, and sometimes she even invites her friends over to join her. 
