Present Simple
Adverbs of Frequency
Present Continuous
Present Perfect Simple
Past Simple
Irregular Verbs
Past Continuous
Habitual Actions

How do you form the present simple in the third person singular (he, she, it)?

Add -s (i.e. he teaches)


Where does an adverb of frequency go in a sentence? What is the exception?

Before a verb; the verb "to be"


How is the present continuous formed? 

The present form of the verb “be” + the present participle of a verb (verb + ing)

i.e. He is singing


How is the present perfect simple tense formed? 

Have/has + past participle


1)Which adverbs are used with the present perfect and past perfect? 

2)Which one refers to things that have happened or that people think may have happened? 

3)Which one refers to things that have not happened or that people think may not have happened?

1)"Already", "just" and "yet"

2) "already"

3) "yet"


How is the past simple generally formed in the affirmative? Negative? Interrogative?

By adding -ed to the base form of the verb; "didn't" + base form of the verb; "Did" + subject + base form of the verb


Name five common/basic irregular verbs in the past simple.

Go = went, do = did, eat = ate, win = won, drink = drank.. and many more! 


How is the past continuous formed (in the affirmative)?

Subject + was/were + verb+ing


The habitual present is a verb in the ______ tense used to indicate an action that occurs ______ or _________.

present, regularly, repeatedly


How do you form the present simple negative for the third person singluar (he, she, it)?

Add "does not" in front of the verb (i.e. he doesn't play)


Where does an adverb of frequency go in a sentence if the verb is "to be"?

After the verb "to be"


When can you use the present continuous for future situations?

When you are discussing something that is already discussed or planned ahead and you state when.


How is the past participle of a verb usually formed? 

By adding -ed or -d to the verb's root


Which adverb is used in the present perfect tense to express something that recently happened?



What is the past simple often accompanied by?

A time expression in the past (from five minutes to a long time ago)

ago, yesterday, last...


Name two irregular verbs in the past simple that begin with the letter "b". 

bear = bore, beat = beat, bend = bent, bind = bound, bite = bit, bleed = bled, blow = blew, breed = bred, burst = burst 


What is the past continuous tense used for? 

To talk about long, continuous actions that happened in the past- that started and ended in the past. 


The habitual present tense can be accompanied by _______ of _______ and _______ _______.

Name two examples of each. 

adverbs of frequency, adverbial phrases

Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, regularly, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, occasionally and never

Adverbial phrases: every year, once in a blue moon and three times a day


Which verb doesn't use the base form in the present simple? What are its conjugations in the affirmative? 

"To be" 


Where does an adverb of frequency go in a sentence if there is an auxiiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.)?

Between the auxiliary and the main verb.


With what kind of verbs can you not use the present continuous with? What do these verbs describe? 

Non-continuous verbs; Things you cannot normally see someone do (i.e. to love, to fear, to want, to cost, etc.)


Name the two uses of the present perfect simple.

To describe something that occurred or was the state of things at an unspecified time in the past; to talk about the duration of something that started in the past is still happening

[An action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour)]


Which adverb is used to show that something continues up to a time in the past, present or future?



Name three time expression within the past year.

at 2pm, yesterday, last month, on Monday, last monday, two days ago, last summer, last night, ten minutes ago, in June, last week, etc. 


Name two irregular verbs in the past simple that begin with the letter "f". 

flee = fled, forbid = forbade, forecast = forecast, foresee = foresaw, freeze = froze


Both the past simple and past continuous refer to times that are in the past and to actions that started and ended in the past. As a general rule, we use the past simple for _____ actions and the past continuous for _____ actions, of _____ duration in time.

short, long, longer


The _______ ________ is used to express repeated or habitual actions in the present that are _______ and may or may not actually be happening at the time of speaking.

present continuous; temporary


Name three situations we use the present simple for. 

Things that are always true, permanent situations, habits or things we do regularly.

Future events, which are part of a timetable.

To talk about the future after certain words (when, until, after, before, as soon as).

To talk about what happens in books/plays/films


Name three adverbs of frequency that can also start a sentence.

Usually, Normally, Often, Frequently, Sometimes, Occasionally


Name three situations that we use the present continuous for. 

Things that are happening at the moment of speaking.

Temporary situations, situations that are slowly changing, temporary or new habits, annoying habits. Definite future plans, stating when.

To talk about people in pictures and photos


When can you NOT use the present perfect simple?

If you are being specific about when something happened (i.e. "I have put away all the laundry this morning" is incorrect)


Using the present perfect, we can define a period of time before now by considering its duration, with ___ + a period of time, or by considering its starting point, with _____ + a point in time.

"for" "since"


Name three time expression beyond the past year. 

in 2004, in the 16th century, three years ago, a long time ago, etc. 


Name four irregular verbs in the past simple that begin with the letter "s".

saw = sawed, seek = sought, shake = shook, shine = shone, sew = sewed, shoot = shot, shrink = shrank, slide = slid, shut = shut, spit = spat, split = split, spoil = spoilt, spread = spread, spill = spilled, stink = stank, strike = struck, strive = strove, swing = swung, sweep = swept


What are two phrases that might indicate a longer duration? 

For five hours, for a long time, all day, all night, all week, etc. 


For past habitual actions, "____ ___" is an auxiliary verb, and is used for _____ and ______ (things we used to do but no longer do).

"used to", habits, customs


Name two situations we DO NOT use the present simple for. 

Things that are happening at the moment of speaking.

Temporary situations; situations that are slowly changing.

Temporary or new habits, annoying habits. Definite future plans.

To talk about people in pictures and photos.


Order these adverbs from most frequent to least frequent: Often, frequently, seldom, always, rarely, sometimes, occasionally, never, usually

Always, usually, frequently, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, never


Name two situations we DO NOT use the present continuous for. 

Things that are always true, permanent situations, habits, or things we do regularly. 

Future events, which are part of a timetable.

To talk about the future after certain words (when, until, after, before, as soon as). 

To talk about what happens in books/plays/films


Form two examples of sentences, both in the present perfect simple and past simple.

I have lived in London. I lived in London in 1989.

They have eaten Thai food. They ate Thai food last night. 

Have you seen The Incredibles? When did you see The Incredibles?

We have been to Ireland. We went to Ireland last week.


Which adverb means "at any time"? Which adverb means "at no time/not at any time"?

"Ever" and "never"


Give three examples of sentences using the past simple tense with more than 7 words. 

The more creative, the better! 


Give three examples of sentences using the past simple tense AND irregular verbs with more than 7 words.

The more creative, the better! 


"When" is used with the ____________ and "while" is used with the _____________. 

Give two examples of sentences, one using "when" and the other using "while". 

Past simple, past continous.  

The movie ended when you arrived.

I was watching while she was cooking. 


"______", in addition to being the auxiliary verb that marks the conditional in English, can also be used to express habitual actions in the past.

